As short as it's been for me, it's been fun here.
I liked reading the comic (probably helped that I only started last November), but there were things that did bug me, and plenty of dialogue that I cringed at. Problem was, there was no one to talk to about it. I kinda forced myself to ignore any problems with the story and just read on, because to me, what was important was reading the whole thing and catching up, no matter what. But with these threads, I have a chance to say, actually, yeah, that strip's kinda bad.
Quote Originally Posted by SaintRidley View Post
According to the Chronology, we've put in 2754 pages of work into this comic, which is almost as many as Mookie did (I shall leave it to you, the snarkers, to infer what you will from that).
Except the Snarkhronology didn't start until October 31, 2006, about four and a half years later than the comic.