After his brief conversation with Agasha Tsukemon, Kuzume politely excuses himself from the others of his clan and walks over to a nearby servant, taking one of the offered cups of heated sake. He holds the small porcelain cup in his hands, enjoying the heat of the beverage, but does not immediately drink it. Instead, he scans the crowd for anything interesting as he takes a small sip.

One of the Dragon has decided to engage the lone Scorpion, I see. That is a duel of wits that I would much like to witness, but perhaps another time, he thought to himself. He continued meandering through the room and mentally noted others. The Spider have come in force, hopefully as a defensive measure and nothing more. He was halfway through his circuit of the room before he took notice of several Ise Zumi gathering on the edge of the crowd. Ah! The wise monks of the dragon! Satoshi would be delighted to have the opportunity to speak with one of them again. Perhaps I can invite one for a visit.

Isawa Kuzume approaches the Tattooed men and bows politely, "I am Isawa Kuzume. Pardon the interruption, but I was hoping to speak with you a moment. You see, a friend of mine has told me that your order holds unique insights into the way of things. I'm sure he ..." Kuzume pauses for a moment, "Is something wrong?"