Glad someone liked my Cavalier style. I like Vigor, too, it's simple and intuitive yet very creative and unique as well.

You may want to tweak Battle Ready slightly - I'm envisioning a high-level Champion who has a good position on the field that she doesn't want to lose, pacing a tiny line back and forth between two squares so she can keep drawing javelins. I don't think it would break anything to just say "you can draw and sheathe freely without using actions on your turn."

What's the logic behind swapping Indomitable/Second Wind (which scales for crap, if you're keeping it you should probably make it worthwhile - actually Indomitable needs some help too, although the short rest recharge is a good start) and Improved Crit? Will you be giving the other archetypes other defensive abilities? As-is you've made the fighter much more offensively focused and widened the gap between tank fighters and tank barbarians yet further, even with the addition of Battle-Tested (also a nice feature btw).