Quote Originally Posted by Morty View Post
[Goblin Camp]

"They're elves," says the Factor. The tone of his voice makes it clear how he feels about them.

"Big elves," says the female goblin with a skull-hood.

"With big swords, fast boats and fire magic," says another goblin, in heavy splint armour and holding a helmet under his shoulder. "They've given us a lot of trouble."

"As for help, kid... well, what do you need? We can get you off those islands when we're ready to go ourselves, whenever that happens."
Quote Originally Posted by LordDeathkeeper View Post
Goblin Camp

Will has to stop and think, because he wasn't really thinking of anything besides getting to some real place to live.
"Well, getting off is a good place to start. I packed the essentials so I'll probably be able to live and find a job once I get to a town or a city. Uh, unless you got something for missing arms that's all I can think of." he says as his eyes trail down to the Factor's metal fingers.
Goblin Camp

"And if we get rid of the elves one way or another you'll get us off this island?"
TTN asks after a tenth of a second of thought. Fire and swords should easily be handled by her chassis and shielding. If it didn't, then there were far greater worries than her own safety. "Sir?" She asks, turning to look down at William. "If you would permit it, I require a systems run regardless. This would be an opportune moment to try out this body's capabilities."

Quote Originally Posted by Shadowcaller View Post

Leaving a Waterfall

The flying creature lands before them and lets out a bellowing chuckle. "So you've already been accompanied to her, stranger." It closes its eyes and bow down its long neck and head. "I am Belfas, son of Mordenai, and you must be who've saved my poor excuse of a master. This makes us allies." The creature seem to be attempting to smile... or threaten her with its sharp teeth. It is hard to tell the difference.

"Allies, my ass, where were you, Belfas?! I was trapped in there for... a long time!" The draenei exclaims, pointing accusingly at this flying lizard.

"Lady, you were the one who ordered me to chase down the traitors, don't you remember? You said that you would be able to get out on your own."

"Wh-" Faithel blinks, staring back at 'Belfas'. "T-that doesn't sound... maybe." She scratches her head. "We should, uh, probably get going..." She seem to be blushing profoundly.
Leaving a Waterfall

Sorrow stares up at the drake blankly for a few moments, her helm hiding her expression before she turns to Faithel. "Sounds like her." She admits as she lets go of her bolter to let it swing down and rest at her side. "If you were to carry us in that direction, we should encounter a fortress in the course of a few hours if your speed is appropriate enough. We should keep an eye out on a small battlefield as well though don't worry if you cannot find it. There would have been just two combatants." She explains, pointing in the direction they had been heading before bending down to try and scoop the Drenai up in her arms. "No time for blushing like a maiden on her night of Oaths. We have a fortress to find and treasure to gain."