The air is cool and crisp as you both make your way towards the only place you remember there being food, the central space of the encampment. Your journey takes you near by the yurts, and you are momentarily taken by the raucous snores that come from the boys' yurt, clear signs that Colin yet slumbers. Deciding to leave a sleeping... monster... lie, you continue your journey guided by the subtle smells of a familiar dark liquid.

The site of the feast is a mess of tables and benches, churned earth and discarded plates. You can see some few early risers moving about collecting the fallen flatware and righting the seats, but more prominent to your sight is the proud body of Yolmar who sits in a lotus position at the head of one table, with an assortment of breakfast foods and small clay pots with curls of steam rising into the morning air. The figure of peace and tranquility, the large green man's chest rises and falls very slowly, his eyes appearing to move under their lids. His hands lift and a small smile curls his lips as you approach. "Good morning, friends. Please, sit and partake of the remnants of the night's bounty. I have been deep in thought about how you can explore your stories while being of service to the Free Tribes. I have thoughts, if you would like to hear them over breakfast?" Throughout, his eyes remain closed, and his hands return to a calm relaxed position on his knees as he awaits your response.