raymond: when all you've got is a hammer...
dm: or in this case hellguns and tube charges...
raymond: ... everything starts to look dead.
dagonet: ah, the subtlety of the imperial guard...

jace: praise the emperor!!
dm: *discreet cough*
jace: ... as the coolest guy ever! *whispers* hope the ordo hereticus didn't misinterpret that.
raymond: see, that's why i pray to saints. the ecclesiarchy and the emperor didn't say anything about those.
dm: you pray half the time to the patron saint of the imperial guard!
raymond: and my damage rolls confirm that as the wisest course of action!

*huge explosion*
jace: i'm alive?! praise be to the immortal emperor! the emperor protects!!
raymond: "the emperor protects the pious" is the full saying, you know?
jace: that doesn't explain one bit the continued survival of dag'. his will really does work in mysterious ways...
dagonet: i'm calling cosmic joke, personally.

Spoiler: context
our game is set just after the emperor has awoken... not canon by any means, but not a stretch. big e himself told off the ecclesiarchy and has replaced the imperial religion with a perfectly atheistic cult of personality (ie, the same thing but different). the hardest hit to adapt have been the clergy, obviously.