Quote Originally Posted by Galacktic View Post
I play twice a week, four hour sessions each, and it's my primary hobby! I still do it as a way to spend time with my friends who I don't get to do that much with otherwise.

Y'all are still taking this all way too seriously.

Each table does its own thing, and there's no sense in arguing about all this because this is really just four posters all repeating themselves over each other in giant blocks of text that most people wouldn't even read. Each one of us is well set in our style of play and DMing and there's little reason to get so worked up about all of this.

I'm not going to agree or disagree with any of you, mainly because at this point the argument has gone on for long enough that it doesn't matter. Nothing that any one of you can say will dissuade anyone else's viewpoints because let's face it: almost all of us are in our late twenties to thirties. We're all pretty set in our ways, and some stranger on the internet saying things that we violently disagree with about our own variation of Elf Games is going to change that.

So let's all just take a step back, because at this point this thread is just a bunch of echos.
You're having fun wrong.