I already put this(Sort of)in the famous last words thread, but I thought I could put the whole story here.

We were playing the Lost Mine Of Phandelver, and we had reached the Young Green Dragon. The Barbarian and Fighter both had the good sense to hide and try to attack it from a range, and everybody but me, the Paladin, and the Cleric had gone. I thought, "Hey...I'm a dragonborn...maybe I can reason with this beast!" I know, I know, not the smartest. Anyway, on my turn, I stepped out in front of the dragon and yelled, and I quote, "Mr.Dragon?! Can't we just talk about this!?" I roll persuasion, which I have +5 to, and...2. So, the dragon sprays me with poison, which I fail the saving throw on, and I start rolling death saving throws. Or I would have! The Cleric went after the dragon, and he brings me back up to half health! The DM lets me move my Paladin behind my rock as I make a mental note to myself that dragons don't take kindly to dragonborns.

Not sure if you think that's funny, but I think it is!