Anchor always thinks that she's gotten over things. And then she catches a glimpse of something like pink eyes and-no, she really is over things this time.
After ordering a glass of apple juice, she gives the new arrival a wave, a delighted smile on her face. While the cybernetic arm really is quite eye-catching, and the drifting pendant isn't something you see too often, Anchor's attention is on the girl's eyes (though her own are concealed behind dark sunglasses).

Compared to the other girl she's fairly small, only 4'10" high, though solidly built, and has the slightly odd look of someone who's been twenty-some years old for the past hundred years. Her clothes are a tight-fitting white riding outfit, a frilly pink tunic, sunset-red cloak, and steel-toed boots. Black hair is worn in a neat short bob cut. As for gear, there's a pair of handguns and a large weathered tome on her several (unnecessary) belts.