Quote Originally Posted by Rynjin View Post
Does armor stack? I assumed Torb's and Brgitte's armors would simply be "take the higher", just like if you try to pick up multiple armor packs.
I imagine the cap will be per-character, so yes, you can get double benefit from stacking Torb and Brig. I certainly wouldn't design it so that taking Torb or Brig would occlude parts of each others' kits. But I honestly wouldn't be worried about Brigitte at all.

So here's her problem: She's a hybrid of Lucio and Doomfist, without the mobility. This game is already DOMINATED by mobility, because of how ubiquitous and powerful barriers are. Brig's only mobility power is her ultimate, which may be good, but isn't going to make her effective at actually building her ultimate charge.

Now it's possible that there's someone out there that's smarter than I am, but I don't see any composition that can spare space for a hybrid healer with no mobility, no range, and low damage. Her healing is bursty, but on a long cooldown. 150 health is a nice bump, but it's only 25 per second, that compares unfavorably with Zenyatta, and the armor given for overcapping is only half rate.