Quote Originally Posted by Keltest View Post
The problem was that D.va (or rather her team) lived and died by her defense matrix. Her attack was so completely awful that there was absolutely no point in caring about her except when she had D-matrix up. She couldn't perform as a tank because she had no ability to intercept enemy fire. She was like Roadhog at his worst: a big fat pile of ult charge that could be safely ignored except when you wanted to pad your numbers or build ult. Now that she can actually hurt people, theres reason to kill her beyond a lack of enemies.
Except that it's just as important to de-suit her now as before, because she can still eat a giant ultimate, because, in truth, nobody has a good gauge on how much matrix she's got left, except the pilot herself. And honestly, when the effect of your presence on the battlefield is that everyone needs to kill you first, to keep you from eating powerful ultimates and cooldowns, that actually makes you fantastic at your job.

Besides, D.va has been a solid part of the meta both before and after her nerfs. She's basically been a mainstay of mobile comps, which continue to rule the game, despite Blizzard's efforts to the contrary, ever since the Winston buff made dive viable to begin with.

If the aim is to make D.va a better tank, and not just a fat flanker, then remove the movement penalty when firing her fusion cannons, and increase their range a bit. But in my opinion, she doesn't need anything of the sort. I'd like to see her Matrix get upped to maybe 3 seconds on, with 6 second recharge, so she's got a bit more staying power, but can't eat an entire sustained ultimate just by holding down right-click. I'd also like to see a change to Sombra that makes her hack a bit more reliable, so that being pecked by a cross-map pellet doesn't trigger a lockout on her hack, to put some counterplay options for D.va out there.