Sideboarding question!

I'm now reasonably happy with my Esper Control deck, and I think I have a reasonable sideboarding plan for the control mirror (in the deck description). I'm not sure what I want to be taking out for aggro, though. I want to bring Authority and Lyra in, but my best guess as to what to take out is Azcanta (one or both?) and/or Disallow (don't want to get caught without double blue, Supreme Will should be fine for the most important part of the game and cycles later). If I could drop enough things to bring in Gearhulks (to recur Contempt) or The Scarab God (because Hazored can't deal with him) that would be even better.

And since we're doing custom cards:

Deathflame Volley

Kicker 3B

Deathflame Volley deals 1 damage to each creature. If the kicker was paid, Deathflame Volley has deathtouch.