Conflict: Iron Banner Legion

Two hundred years before, the mightiest of the Empire's army were the Legionares of the Iron Banner. Their status was legendary, and the chainmail standard that flew over their formations were recognised by all in both awe and fear. However, when the Empire went to war, and the commander of the Iron Banner Legion was caught having an affair with the Empire's beloved princess (whom was to be married after the war), they were sent on suicidal mission after suicidal mission, before they were finally betrayed, boxed in by their brother legions and slaughtered to every man. Everything was destroyed, no spear, armor, even dagger was spared from sundering, every scrap of metal melted down and sold to the lowest bidder.
Presently, towns have been reporting strange goings on in the southern half of the Empire. An army has been seen marching along the border, a chainmail standard held high over a thousand legionares. Any scouting party sent to meet them only finds empty countryside, a cold wind blowing at their backs with the scent of rotten flesh filling the air.

Prompt: Legend: There is a famous tale of the infamous Cait Sith, the burglar who could steal anything. Cait Sith began life as a cat, and, instead of doing the catlike thing and spending his nine lives consecutively, he decided to use them all at once, granting him powers beyond imagination. A hallmark trick of Cait Sith is to have one of his lives do a task while he would distract his targets. The most popular story is where Cait Sith disguised himself as a old woman, and conned a prince of his wealth by having the other eight lives would hide in the house and make it seem like the home was cursed until the prince gave Cait Sith all his gold. Other stories include when he stole the sun by hiding it behind the moon, the time he took an entire ocean and hid it in a castle just to irritate a king, and that time he stole the alphabet so that only his story was allowed to be told. There is some archeological evidence to support that such a creature existed and did all of those things, much to the annoyance of those who pray that it was all just a story.

The next prompt shall be to describe a species of bird that is common to the Zeribi desert.