"An entire clinic? Wow, way to go, Doctor Mom Of the Year." Magtok sounds genuinely impressed, or at the very least, surprised. The idea of Caelynn in a position of authority, making decisions and accomplishing things all on her own, it sounds positively unreal, given the clueless, reckless young woman we once knew. In fact, it's such a surprise that the thought is almost enough to distract us from the nightmare that is ingesting a drink with the cat's name on it. Almost. Blegh, we are definitely getting something else as soon as this glass is empty.

"Yeah, I haven't really accomplished much myself lately. At some point the MagCollective got this great idea to just leave the Nexus and its stupid problems behind, and go hunt after Calublufiok and Rein Prime out in space and other dimensions. Escape from all the problems back home and preemptively save a world or two, y'know? We never found either of them, and looking all over has gotten kinda boring over the last few years, which I think is why I was finally given the MagCave rebuilding mission. They're not ready to give up and admit trying to track two people across all of infinity was a stupid idea yet, but soon, I'm sure. You can only do the same thing for so long before it gets to feeling like trying to knock down a brick wall with your forehead." Some people can excel at that sort of thing, certainly, but not our cyborg.

"Do you know what you're getting? I was just going to order a steak, I think," Mag says, peering at the menu. There's some mention of meat on a spit and also pita bread on here, but maybe we can try that some other time, when we're not an hour or so away from terrible decisions and fire.