Brother Dhiiga stuck towards the back of the group as they were le to teh ship that would take them to their mission. It was good to see Tyran again as thoughts of battle flitted through his mind, knowing that his fellow brother would protect the group in the days to come. Silently he listened to the layout of the ship and couldn’t help but slump a bit when word came of how small the chapel was. Outside the doors he slowly whispered to himself, his accent melting away as he was careful to pronounce every word correctly lest he offends the Emperor, in High Gothic. ”I offer my life to the Emperor, I pray that He accepts it.
I offer my strength to the Emperor, I pray that he redresses it.
I offer my blood to the Emperor, I pray that it quenches His thirst.
I offer my body on the altar of the battlefield, I pray He grants me a noble death.
I pray for His protection, as I offer all that I am.”

He then entered and looked around, his breath catching at the glory of it all. While it could always be bigger he did appreciate the small details they put into everything. He waited until his fellow chapter-mate was done giving his oath before he moved again. He gently tapped SAN and motioned for the servitor to stay waiting near the back before he approached the statue of the Emperor and kneeled. Once more in practiced High Gothic he looked at the boots of the statue and slowly recited ”The Emperor is our guiding light, a beacon of hope for humanity in a galaxy of darkness.
As we serve Him, He is our greatest servant.
As we pray to Him, His thoughts are only for us.
And in the dark when the shadow's threaten, the Emperor is with us, in spirit and in fact.”