Forlorn Cave

Keeping the door between himself and whatever is inside doesn't always work, and it doesn't work here. I specified it was a sliding door, and at a push of a button, it slides into the ceiling with an electronic hum.

Beyond, there's a rather large room, divided into smaller spaces by wire fencing and crude barricades of wood and rubble. There's eight such enclosures, holding currently three cows, four horses and a pregnant pig. There's two doors leading away, another metal sliding door like the one Metalhead's just used, and a more traditional wooden door. Snoozing next to the door is presumably one of the abductors. They're sat in an old armchair, and wear red robes and a tricorn hat. They're human, or look to be mostly human at least, and have a cutlass resting against the armchair next to them and they cradle a flintlock musket, one of older manufacture than the marshwiggle's own Brown Bess.