Quote Originally Posted by geppetto View Post
I dont have a problem with random event tables or consequences myself. Though as a player or GM i would prefer death to be a possibility on said table.

The consequences should generally be even though. For instance If you can fix your broken bone X by paying 10gp and chatting for 5 minutes then you should be able to find your lost material possessions with a 10gp bribe to find out where they are and a quick 1on1 encounter or fight to get them back.

That way nobody feels too screwed over. I would also let the players roll on the table. Its silly but it will make them feel more in control.

As for min maxer, just no. Tell him a 3 STR and CON makes him severely physically disabled. He would not be able to travel all day, carry his own gear, would be riddles with allergies and constantly sick. I might let him go as low as 6, with the full understanding of what the consequences would be for someone whose weak, frail and sickly in job thats physically demanding, violent and constantly exposes the individual to exposure to bad weather, filth, foreign blood with unknown pathogens and old food.

Perhaps remind him that food poisoning and water born illnesses are very real threats in a world without refrigeration or purified water available. Especially for a person with a compromised immune system.

If he insists maybe let him go with his 3 CON. And then roleplay the joys is sneezing, coughing and the umm "bubble guts" all at once while hes trying to cast. Should be hilarious for everyone else and teach him a lesson.
Disease resistance is not represented by constitution: it is represented by fortitude saves.
And there is near to no diseases in dnd that hampers casting on the other hand you can die fast to diseases since many diseases deals constitution damage.