Quote Originally Posted by Talakeal View Post
I have no problem with fight monsters get loot, but when the players go to all the trouble of befriending monsters and THEN killing them for loot it seems like it wastes everyones time as well as making for a strange and inconsistent narrative / morality.
Yes, that is an absolutly valid point. Honestly, from the story you told so far you seem to be an incrdibly accomodating GM. If your group is a special needs group (as in "most groups have something special that needs tending to since people are so wildyly different) and you have to deal with a lot of those in your group, then it's also hard to give good advice. Honestly, i'd like to play in your group for a session or two to see for myself what I'd as a GM myself would do.

Option 1) gloss over it and simply continue their weird streak of change, possibly having a session 0 to reset the train.
Option 2) their weird tendency to screw over former allies has earned them a bad reputation. They are exiled from most civilized places and untrustworthy people and even monsters approach them to ask them to join their ranks of merry bandits. They can collect more villains to their little group and get betryed constantly, having to kill of some allies in defense of their leadership positions and soon can conquer the settlements they formerly worked for. They are agents of chaos.