I bought a big bag of dried apples slices at Costco a month or so back, and finally got around to opening them today. They are...not the "dried apple chip" texture that I was expecting. I don't know if I got a bad bag or this is a different thing than the apple chips I used to buy, but they are definitely a lot mushier and less fun to eat as a snack. I'm debating rehydrating them to use in recipes (they'd probably be just fine cut up in something like muffins) versus throwing them out since I wasn't really planning on making a giant batch of apple muffins right now.

I need to find more "open up the thing and eat it as a snack" shelf-stable foods that (a) I like, (b) have some vague nutritional value, and (c) don't contain any peanuts or nuts, since we have to be both peanut and nut free at work this year. (My previous go-to snack food was cashews.) I'm looking for something that can be kept in a desk drawer and eaten quickly between student appointments.