Princess Adila would love to spend some time on this. She'd love to draw maps and force organization charts and have meetings and spend hours creeping around. But they've been rustled. The time is now.

She had this though. It was clear as daylight.

+We've been made. I am going to destroy the camp,+ she thought, cast iron, no hint of hesitation or doubt. +The two of you must go through to the house over that way; it is the source of the curse. I can't follow you inside but I can buy you time. Do not waste it.+

She took a deep breath. Time to be a hero.

She spread her wings and took off without a second thought. She kept her eyes on the tiny bug even as she gained altitude. It was going to go to the person in charge and then she was going to burn that person's tent into a smouldering crater.

Her heart pounded louder. Should she hold back? She didn't know if her best would be too much or not enough. She didn't know what side to err on.