Caelus' men react quickly to their captain's orders, and promptly charge the civilians who have answered the stranger's call. One is thrust straight through the gut, and dies on the spot; another stands in a daze watching the blood flow out of a gaping slash across the chest. Several others take significant wounds, but about half of them remain unscathed.

Caelus himself makes his way to the stranger (who still holds the disk high), stabbing straight into his heart... but the stranger doesn't react as expected. The wound obviously hurts, because he shouts and clutches it in pain, but it is not as grave a wound as would be expected.

Spoiler: OOC
One civilian is critted and dies immediately. Another is disabled at 0hp. Caelus crits the stranger... but actually doesn't, due to its Strange Anatomy. Nonetheless, the Stranger takes 11 damage.

It is now Quinn and Jeri's action, followed by the Stranger and his followers.

However Jeri is confused and shaken. She attacks herself at -2 and deals dagger damage to herself on a hit. I'll let you roll and RP that as you like.

Quinn gets to act normally for this round, but is also shaken.