Quote Originally Posted by Carl View Post
I'm pretty sure the quiz is strongly using this article as a basis which seems to be based a fair bit on more recent colour pie comments by WoTC and MR. And honestly it makes the differences a lot easier to understand than the older colour pie articles on the official MTG site. It's not that White doesn't do Harmony, but it's less important to white than pure order. It's actually helped me pin some things down myself TBH.
That’s right. That’s why I can relate to BUG when using that site’s definitions.

BWU is a triad that focuses on Structure, Tribalism, and Growth mindset. I get the growth mindset—I want to become so powerful nobody would dare hurt me or bother me ever again, and so rich I can do anything I want, while being so healthy I can enjoy that wealth and power for decades. Structure and Tribalism bother me, though—I find to much structure stifling and limiting, and tribalism leads me to the question of “what tribe”. I would care enough about any children I had to share my success with them, but I otherwise see little reason to team up with any group since any group is inevitably composed of individuals belonging to other groups simultaneously, and some of those groups will be at odds with each other. My “group” at the largest is those helping me at the moment, and I expect those helping me at the moment to cut and run when something better comes along for them—and they may even backstab me in the process.

BUG is defined as Profanity, Truth-Seeking, and Growth-Mindset. Profanity is the belief nothing is sacred. Well, I agree with that, nothing is sacred, free will is an illusion and nothing last forever, and because both free will being an illusion and the inevitable destruction of everything due to entropy pretty much makes meaning and morality impossible, I don’t believe those concepts. We all play our role in the world, my role just so happens to be one of a predatory businessman/blasphemous scientist. Truth-seeking is important to me because I am hardwired due to my genes and upbringing to always ask why things are the way they are and to gain the clearest understanding of my world as I can—removing subjectivity whenever possible. I already told you why growth-mindset fits me.

Red/White to me seems to be well-intentioned extremist idealists who are hurting their own cause without even being aware of doing so.

I’m actually thinking of making a black/blue/green antagonist who faces a red/white antagonist in my animation series I’m making.