Facts about Tanubrai the Moon King
1. He is King of the Gods, and his titles include Protector In The Night, First Hero, One-Handed King, and Lord of Fools.

2. He lacks a right hand, as Kulrao, the Traitor King, severed it from his arm in an epic confrontation. In retaliation, Tanubrai pierced one of Kulrao's eyes.

3. He is Susetria's second husband. He married her after Kulrao, her first husband, was cast down from the sky. He had two children with her: Golvar and Rokilla.

4. Since he ascended to the Crescent Throne, there have been many unsuccessful rebellions against him. Many murals depict him defeating epic foes.

5. He is the patron of kings, yet doesn't bestow the right to rule. Susetria controls the flow of inheritance, while Tanubrai grants the wisdom and might to rule peacefully and bring prosperity to a nation.

6. He is the first adventurer, as before he was king, he traveled the world slaying monsters to protect Suestria, who he loved even while Kulrao was her husband.

7. Before he was king, Tanubrai filled the role that Remulo fills now: Jester of the Gods. Even now, he enjoys assuming the form of an old jester or fool when testing princes.

8. After a prince is married to a princess, but before his coronation, Tanubrai tests them in three ways unique to that prince. Often, these tests correlate to the three virtues of nobility: Wisdom, Might, and Courage.

9. When depicted in art, Tanubrai is a beardless man with pale skin and bone white hair. Rarely, they portray him as an ancient man in jester's motley.