Lauren is so engrossed in what she is talking about that she doesn't realize that at some point Annette's eyes seem to glaze over, and the girl is just nodding her head and saying things like Yeah? and That's interesting. at appropriate times, mostly when Lauren stops to take a breath.

But at the end, Annette snaps out of her stupor, and glances out the window to find herself surprised by the passage of time.

Oh, my. The time really is going by isn't it? We should probably change. Annette reaches up to her things and begins pulling out her robes. She then excuses herself and heads off to find somewhere a bit more private to change.

Spoiler: Scene Three
Annette has gone off to change. What could possibly go wrong?

Unopposed roll!

Allure D8: Oh, no. Your bra hook has become somehow entangled in your clothes and you can't get it undone. Call to Annette for assistance before some boy sees you. +2 VP
Skill D8: Persuade Annette to (for some reason) let you change with her. Perhaps everywhere else is full? +2 VP
Luck D4: Annette appears to not have latched the door to the WC properly, and... wow... +1 VP