"Everypony?" the desk Pony said. "No, not everypony. But I've worked at the Conservatory for a long time and I know most of the administrative staff and teachers. But I definitely would remember if Inspiring Cry came here as there's a lot I have to discuss with him."

"Why do you need to talk with him?" Mossy asked.

"The paperwork for all the third parties we're hiring for the festival is piling up," the Pony behind the desk said. "As the Conservatory's event coordinator, Inspiring Cry has to sign off on all this stuff. Usually he's on top of this sort of thing, but I guess he's just been busy with other work."

Silence hung for a moment after your knocks finished reverberating around the cave. Then a sharp, almost hissing voice came from behind the door.

"Who are you Ponies that seek Kazakar? What do you want with him?"