The crowd loved it. Some laughed, but not in the mocking way.
It was relativly calm and cheerful for the style of the Broken Record Club.
They clapped, and some even joined the singing.
After the show, Usagi breathed heavily. The soldier pills weren't healing her- they are supposed to give stamina boost to endure the battle, and that it. Those pills might actually worse the situation at some situatuion, and more then one middle aged shinobi used them in battle, just to die from heart attack afterward.
But playing safe, wasn't in the spirit of the Sound Village. Infront of the burning power of the Leaf Village, they had only resourcfulness, and a sucidal determination.
After the show, the nice busty bartender peck Kimiko on the forehead.
It seemed no matter how she looked, and how many people LOOKED at her, she noticed every one of them.
"Smile more. You might turn into a true beauty.' She wishpered and walked away, (and assuming Kimiko make funny expriession) Usagi laugh, but stop with a groan of pain.

And now the towering figure of Scratchman shadowed over them. Under the hood only a wide smile were seen. "Heh. The number two healer of our village is sure a fun girl to have around." He probably winked. "You can call her Fushi-Sama. You have impressed her, speaking of which, we need to talk.'

Usagi cringed. "I don't care about the relationship of a spoiled princess and a bimbo. I need to go to the hospital.'
Scratchman waved it off. "Fushi-san, will treat you while we talk.'
Usagi blushed just a bit. "I need a real healing nin."
Scratchman laughed. "I have trusted my own life in her lovely hands. And more then once. Come tough girls. You deserve some Sensei speech, and Odayama-chan had to go and tell bed time story to his daughters. Haha." He laughed, and led them to his control room. Usagi slap off his hand when he try to help her, and he just laugh. His laughter has a deep bass tone.

Fushi is already there, and between all the sound tools, she put a military bed.
She motioned to Usagi to come. After few unneccarily remarks about how ok she is, Usagi came.
Fushi's hands glowed with blue chakra, as she placed her hands over the burns.
"You are the determined baka one. Aren't you?' Fushi has asked softly.
'You are the baka! You bimbo!" Usagi yelled.
"Hihi. You remind me, of my childhood friend...' she giggled softly, and then her voice turn into cold iron. 'And she died. Painfully.' There were something very dominante and threatening, that made Usagi to stop struggling and tsundering around.
Scratchman has offered Yuyuyu and Kimiko some very light liqure. It was quite the generouse offer- such thing were impossible to purchase for norma citizens, and rare commodity even for succesful Chunnins.
"Well, you sure are bunch of crazy girls. That for sure. I am not supposed to say it, but the guy you killed? Were in top 10 in ouringo book. You can expect some hefty prize of money. But...' he paused.
"Yuyuyu-san have noticed some big problem in your attitude." Scratchman paused.
"The Bye Bye Kitties-"
"Bunch of whinning weaklings!" Usagi yelled.
"Here.' Scratchman paused.
"Do you know, what kind of ninja the Village Of Sound need?'

'One that never lose!' Usagi yell, and cringe as Fushi yank her back.