We all get that. Traditionally, though, Deathbattle did not separate out the two. Lots of Marvel and DC characters can move across-the-universe fast when they get out into the stars, but most of them usually fight at what looks like regular human speeds.

However, I have to bring up again that speed has a lot more factors to it in...really all the media DB goes to... than just combat vs. travel. Some characters are said to have reaction times that are sometimes superhuman or even faster than light but other times they appear to be surprised or something that moves at regular speed catches them. This happens to characters of extreme speed: The Flash, Superman (why doesn't he just move away the moment kryptonite shows up), and across franchises. Naruto, Goku, Quicksilver...they all get hit and nearly killed by attacks they dodged at other times.

Also, there are characters, like Wonder Woman, who seem to only move fast when she is catching bullets or dodging

Of course, all these characters are just plain inconsistently portrayed, in most incredible ways, across all their fights in various different media. "Travel speed," the notion a character can move fast but can't fight fast, may explain a lot, but then there might also be "Defensive speed" (which may also be inconsistent).

Then there seems to be characters, like Captain Boomerang, who seems to consistently be able to tag The Flash despite being ordinary humans. How do you measure his speed or his boomerang speeds?