Eugene retrieves his axe and performs a tactical retreat up a tree while Lelouch barrels down on the hammer wielder. His swing goes wild and smashes an old log, filling the air with wood chips. Tetro snatches the egg that's roughly half her size and warps to relative safety.

The archer fires yet again at Lelouch and actually scores a hit but the arrow pings off the mech without even damaging the finish. The hammer wielder fairs better and lands a solid hit on the suit that is thankfully mitigated by the mech (7 total).

The swordsman sputters as he looks around for the disappearing kobold, and lets out a string of curses that makes you think he spent time around sailors. He rushes over below Tetro and stows his blade before beginning to climb the ridge after her.

Hammer time isn't looking great right now, but the other two are currently unhurt. Sword guy is mid climb and at a penalty to AC.