It's time to get further distracted!

Zodi Plays: Dishonored [13] Objet d'Art

Video Length: 29:29

In this exciting episode, we make our way over to the offices of Galvani once more, dealing with all the guards in our path. We... mostly handle the guards well, though I do end up slowly, but surely, learning the various intricacies of stealth in this game. I think I mostly just misunderestimate how important sound is. That aside, we are able to infiltrate Galvani's office in a new way, and are able to clear it out rather simply. Sadly, at least for Slackjaw anyway, the man he sent to investigate this office is deader than a doornail. We snatch up his final audio-graph recording, and head back so we can learn what it says.

Or rather, we would, but along the way I found the upper floor entrance to the art dealer's house! And as you'd expect, while most people do lock their bottom floor door... no one locks the doors on the top floors! We infiltrate the apartment, a three floor mess of mostly garbage, but there's a massive safe door that Slackjaw's men are trying to get into. If only we had the combination... and if only I didn't spend a good deal of time looking for it just in case the gang members missed something and that's the secret. Oops.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed! I realize that my getting distracted by shiny side things may not make for the best gameplay, but I hope you enjoy. Blind runs tend to be like this after all. I'll see you all next time!