He sighs and looks at you weirdly.
"What are you, spouting Blizzan nonsense but with videogames now? But fine I'll go, you arrogant son of a tube. Don't think you've heard the last of me."
Deglargo flies off.

Tailripper is marveling at the fact that Oxyribo has not yet moved.
"Wow! Oxyribo is actually chatting up that crooked greedy executive demon rather than springing into action to save you! I thought I was kidding and that I'd get kicked by some heroic foot any second! Wow that guy is cold. Like I was mostly just saying all that to break your will and all that, standard Makai speech, y'know? But its actually true!"
He forms a black anti-ki sword his hand and holds it to Shin's neck, the kais his eyes widening while Tailripper says creepily:
"Lets count how many seconds that it takes for Oxyribo to finally come over here and just kick me in the face during which I could've already sliced your head off: 1.....2.....3....4.....5.....6.....7.....8....."
Before he count any higher, Poka arrives.
"Aw dammit, its his toy majin, ruining the great moral conundrum that I was setting up. Hey majin, don't make any sudden moves or I'm going to ensure Beerus is going to get REAL angry when he wakes up! and we wouldn't want that, now would we? So many things destroyed all because of one....useless.....kai."

Muspel Guardian
It fires a flame beam to counter Android 10's, holding stead only for Vodkana's destruction saw blade to sheer right through its katchin head and thus kill it. Yewah then appears next to Vodkana.
"We are about to go fight solitus, would like to come with?"

Suddenly the golden planet-city of Solitan with great grinding noises, shines a light then suddenly does a a high-speed transformers-esque transformation where its golden metropoli structure shuffle around to become a giant golden planet sized mecha with Solitus proclaiming:
"BEHOLD!!! My Fighting Planet Mecha, The Solitan Helios Apollo Surya!"
The city-planet-mecha strikes a ridiculous pose.
"Powered By The Prayers Of My Followers, Its Glory Which Is The Same As Mine Glows with A Magnificent Power, Telling Me To Claim Victory!"
Sure enough, glorious sunfire emanates from the mecha like a battle aura. Then the four apprentice kais teleport in with Vodkana if she agrees.
"Sorry we're late, we were busy cleaning up Solituses legions and protecting the souls of Heaven. Don't worry about them, we took care of the armies with some help of heroes from the afterlife." says Tarasai, he was wearing kai clothes that were colored white and black with gold trimming instead of his usual white robes.
"This is our fight as well. Let us defeat this usurper and restore the rightful order with both creation and destruction!"