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Gentleman's Reputation (Ex): The stories that arise from your deeds are just as important to you as the deeds them- selves. A good Gemtleman hopes that her example encourages others to lead righteous lives. So long as you maintain your reputation, you gain certain bonuses. At 1st Level you get a +1 Sacred Bonus to Armor Class and Saving Throws. This increases to +2 at Level 4, and +3 at Level 7. To maintain this Bonus (and your reputation) you must obey the following:

A Gentleman knows his manners, and is never rude, crass or vulgar. Be courteous in all things, and observe proper etiquette no matter how undeserving others may be. Knowingly violating this is a minor infraction.

A Gentleman does not lie, except under the most dire circumstances. Lying to prevent an innocent being executed is acceptable. Lying to protect a party member who has broken the law is not. Knowingly violating this is a minor infraction.

A Gentleman always keeps his word. Knowingly violating this is a major infraction.

A Gentleman does not provoke fights, save for challenging an equal who has insulted or assaulted him. He is, however, allowed to defend those who cannot defend themselves. Nor can he attack an unprepared or helpless opponent. A Gentleman does not gain a bonus on attack rolls when flanking. You still confer the benefit of a flanking position to your ally, but you forgo your own +2 bonus on attack rolls. You can choose to keep the +2 bonus, but doing so is a major infraction. A Gentleman never strikes a flat-footed opponent. Instead, you allow your foe to ready himself before attacking. Knowingly violating this is a major infraction.

A Gentleman obeys legitimate authority. Knowingly violating this is a major infraction.

A Gentleman cannot knowingly associate with Evil beings. Knowingly violating this is a major infraction.

Committing a minor infraction loses her Reputation Bonus for 24 hours. Committing more than 1 minor infraction in 24 hours is a major infraction. A Gentleman who commits a major infraction loses her Reputation Bonus until she atones (see the Atonement sell description) in an appropriate manner.

A Gentleman whose Alignment changes to an inappropriate one loses their Reputation Bonus until their Alignment changes back.