The exploration, at first, finds nothing but more of the same - cryptic messages, scrawled and scratched in seemingly random places, most of them repeating or evoking phrases that the girl's ghost said. Quiet please make it stop. LET ME GO. Why are you doing this? But nobody came. The black moon howls. I trusted you. Please I didn't mean to.

But in the southern quadrant, after meeting up, something is different. There's a house where the walls, all of them, are smeared with blood, not writing messages, just big messy smears of blood in the shape of handprints. Then you find the bodies, in the bedrooms, an adult man and woman, and three children, all dead, all with their eyes torn out by fingernails, all with bite marks from their own bloody teeth. The house reeks like an abattoir.

In the adults' bedroom is a small chest which is the only object in the house that isn't covered in blood.

Spoiler: Perception DC 18
The bodies all bear a strong resemblance to the girl's ghost. Like family....