Lilith pouted, her disappointment the first genuine emotion she had shown since she sat down. 'I'll let you get away with that one James, she hissed angrily, hitting him with a healthy dose of animalistic terror and all too human shame and inadequacy 'As ultimately all men as disappointing. But don't act surprised when I walk out of her alone if you disappoint me again.'
She lay her hand on his, shooting a thrilled perverse excitement up his arm as he felt the chill of her touch. 'It's simple.' She cooed 'I'm looking for a most unusual man. A combination of desirable traits. He must be empathetic, but not sympathetic. I loath sympathy. He must be smart enough to hold my interest, and to know his place. He must have imagination, that above all. He has to have the maturity to look past my injury to the bubbling cauldron of sensuality beneath... Oh, and this practically goes without saying, but I want a guy who won't fall in love after we ****.' She takes another slow 'sip' of her drink to cover the silence as she plays his libido like a supernatural fiddle and quietly asks 'So James, how's my character judgement?'