A friend of mine offline is building a new character for our Undermountain campaign - his rogue is about to get slashdotted (as in, "Claw, Claw, Bite, Slash... Poison Damage over Time!).

Please build me the bestest Druidzilla you can - should teach our DM to sic five or six higher CR challenges against us back to back, and THEN roll for random encounters...

1. Level by Level, to level 20
2. In your request specify whether you have requirements, preferences, or no limits on the following:
a. Books: Any WotC
b. Race: Any LA-0 from any WotC book
c. Class: Druid and PrCs
d. Ability Scores: Random generation (please use Invis. Castle and provide link)
e. Alignment: NE or N
f. House Rules: None
g. Concept: Cave-dwelling or mountain druid would be apropos.
h. Other: Heavy combat hack & slash (Undermountain)