After Max looks around at the buildings with the rest of the group, he says, "Well, it looks like its time to earn our pay. We'll sweep and clear this first building that has the tracks first. If we don't find anything, we'll check the other two. Kurt, monitor this area so that if we miss whatever made these tracks when we enter the first building it can't sneak off.

Max pulls out his tactical flashlight and his Kimber .45 and checks both. "I hope I don't have to use this. Kain, you are the best at this kind of stuff so you lead us in. Matt and I will follow and give you support. Alex, stay behind us for now. Your stun gun might come in handy if we need to subdue this thing without killing it. Matt, Kain, and I will go in ready for combat, but we'll only shoot if the thing is obviously hostile. Ready guys?