
Undeniably a fighting man, this human's massive muscles strain against his skin, thick blue veins tendril like snakes over his body. He leaps at this sudden chance for freedom, springing from his feet like the mightiest lion straight to the wall with the door.

He is not concerned with the other captives. Escape is all that matters. Those who will help Logan will follow. Those too cowardly to attempt this will stay behind. Those are the only two choices. There's no need to debate, not for this fighting man.

Logan approaches from about ten feet to the side, back to the wall, so as not to face the dragon's head directly. It's so obviously a magical guardian. yet Logan does not think it is - his arrogant captors are unlikely to distrust their own magic so much that they'd put in a back-up. Yet just to be sure, he creeps along the wall toward the door.

Then, assuming the dragon head doesn't breathe fire on him, he listens at the door. Listen: (d20+2)[18]