
Vespe watched as the merchant gazed at the crowd, and grew nervous. He had certainly overstayed his welcome in this town, and this...WONDERFUL trader came just in the knick of time...not that there had been much of a choice for Vespe in the first place. The alternative, staying here, was a rather unpleasant idea. He re-adjusted his pack, ran his hands through his hair, and began tapping his foot anxiously.

When the merchant's hand pointed at him, he rushed through the masses and gave a salute to his new employer, followed by vigorously shaking the man's outstretched hand and, as if making a sales pitch, quickly exclaimed "You've made an excellent choice sir, and I guarantee you will not be disappointed. My name is Vespe Ratavo and may I say it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm a skilled diplomat, negotiator, barterer, salesperson, all-around general troubleshooter, entertainer, and something of a translator, although I'm afraid I can only speak Common, Elvish and Orc, is that a problem?" Vespe allowed approximately one tenth of a second for the man to respond before continuing.

"I understand your concern, sir, but I'll have you know I am also a trained bodyguard, well versed in arts of the martial variety, so fear not for the safety of you and your..." Vespe took a quick look at the trader's sons- "sons. Your...wonderful...sons. Of course..." he mumbled, his smile quickly disappearing.

With renewed eagerness, he asserted "Well, without further ado, I'm ready to leave whenever you're ready, sir. No sir, no further business in this town, I'm ready to leave soon...whenever you say..."

He looked left, then right, then whispered "You know, if we leave as soon as possible, we can miss the worst of the bandits. They're a lazy lot, they are. Just a thought, sir.