Callos' mind is overwhelmed by the number of minds and intensity of thoughts he is reading here in the room.

The guards seem to be generally confused, and some of the younger guards are genuinely terrified. There is much pain and anger among the wounded, and grief for the dead.

By the gods! So much blood ...

Is that Lady Sheyra? No that's the white haired witch.

I will not pass out. I will not pass out. I will not pass out ... I think I'd better sit down.

Ugh. Can't. Ugh. Breathe. Ugh. Breathe, dammit!

Where am I? What's going on?

No! Brannon! Don't be dead. Don't be dead. Please don't be dead ...

Moradin! What's going on? How did I end up on the ground? Where's Linda?

Callos also "hears" a small voice, just at the limits of his perception.

It is done ...

A guard checks Linda's body and shakes his head to indicate that she is gone. He points to a necklace that had been hidden under her robe. A blood red gem dangles from a fine gold chain. The gem glows softly.

Other guards tend to their wounded, carrying them outside where other guards and servants are waiting to tend to them.

The lieutentant, who now finds himself in charge (since his superior officer was one of the casualties of Linda's fireball) seems a bit unsure of himself and doesn't seem to know whether you can be trusted or not.

"Lady Sheyra will be fine, but none of you are going anywhere until I get some answers. What happened here?"