Henri directs his attention away from the elf and her quarters to his comrades. It's paralysis of some kind. Unless the magical aura around her coinbox is somehow related, poison seems a likely cause. Let me see if she is conscious; if so, it might be that someone or something has caused such damage to her physical abilities that it rendered her unable to move.

Checking to make sure her paralysis isn't related to Strength or Dexterity being knocked to 0.

Henri turns back to the elf woman, looking into her half-closed eyes. He addresses her first in Common, and then in Orc (same statement), just to be thorough.

If you can hear me, madam, please blink your eyes once, or move them in some way to give us a sign. Even if yo cannot move your mouth to speak, make any sort of subvocal noise you can manage. It will be easier to help you if you can provide us some information as to what is wrong with you through yes and no responses.