I'm envisioning a Paleborn Paladin, entering the Sacred Temple where he, and the Holy Order of Paladins to which he belongs, was raised.
*beep!* *beep!* *beep!*
Paladins leap out of "hiding", as their detect evil goes off, cries of "SMITE IT FOR THE GOOD OF PELOR!" ring out, and blades bounce harmlessly off his skin.
"Oh, it's you. Welcome back," says whichever paladin. They realize who it is, their "brother". "Guys," he replies, "Once again, DO YOU SEE THAT ONLY A PORTION OF ME DOES THAT?!"

I'd take the next step, now, and produce some fun substitution levels for this race.
Also, does a Paleborn necessarily have to be born to a human? An Elf, Dwarf, or even better, an ogre, could be hit by the same effect. Logically, this would work as a template. However, I'm not going to put that stress on you. After all, to make it into a template, you'd have to nerf everything even more.