Ok, so I have set up my PSN account on my PS3. It's a sub account (being a minor sucks). My internet is on, no issues there. I go into White Knight Chronicles and it goes on to tell me that the "PSN account I have set up does not meet with the age requirements of the game. The online services cannot be used".
I go on to shout:

For starters, the game is rated PG. The only age restriction there should be for 13 year olds. My PSN account is legit, so it's for the SIXTEEN year old me. Added to that is the fact that nowhere in the game manual or the box does it say there would be any age requirement for using White Knight Chronicles' online services (basically Geonet). I bought my game in Australia, if that helps.
I go on the internet feverishly searching for any mentions of any age requirement for accessing Geonet, and after visiting review sites, wikis and official sites, I haven't found anything! Every site (and the box!) keeps talking about Geonet like it's for everyone, but clearly, it's not!

Does anyone know what's wrong here? If it turns out I have to be eighteen to access Geonet, then let me say that that's complete and utter bull. If I can safely play MMORPGs on the computer, I'm sure I can use Geonet without blowing the internet up a million times.
Also, if that's really the case, I must ask for any tips on how I can let my parent sign in with her master account to PSN for me on my PS3. Like I said, I set it up with MY account, so it seems to be stuck that way (which is also utter bull, has Sony heard of this thing called a "mistake"?).

Please help. Questing with other people is FUN and I really want to do it. And without other people helping, I'll never get my guild rank up high enough to develop my town!

You can link to sites as well as supply me with your own tips .