I have an idea, an idea that shall make our relativly small world-builder community stronger and more united, an idea that will help those in need of a certain specalist, as we all know that world.building is a work not to be undertaken by a sole skill, but rather by whole array of human skills, skills no human may master all by himself:
So yes, i bring you an idea of a database for World-builders, so that when a writer is in need, a maper can come by, or when the fluff is complete, a monster stater can come along.
this is... The World-Builder Registry:

I propose a format as this:

Available?| yes/no
Areas of Expertice| Stating monsters/concepts etc...
Contact method | GITP, IRC, etc...
Past Works | post link
Looking for a... | Maper, Artist, Co-writer, Nothing,etc...
Hope we can help each other