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  1. - Top - End - #901
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Quote Originally Posted by Frankelshtein View Post
    WARNING: Self-indulgent wall of text and lack of meaningful content below.
    A question: What, if anything, can I do about intentional feeders? Both on my team and on the enemy team. I just had a terrible game with a truly mean-spirited individual that has really put a negative spin on my night. If you're winning and someone on your team begins to intentionally feed, it's maddening because suddenly you've lost due to circumstances outside of your control. When things like that happen to me, I feel anger towards the person *feeding as well as resentment towards the enemy team for taking advantage of the situation and winning a game they really shouldn't have. I can understand how awkward the situation can *be for the members of the opposing team. Sure, it's obvious that *they were going to lose if not for the intentional feeder, but it isn't like they're going to surrender once the feeder gets going. They're going to try their best to win. It's what I do in those types of situations. Sure, I may try to avoid directly benefitting from the feeder's deaths, but I'm still actively trying to win a game that I should have lost. Winning feels good, and losing doesn't. I'm not a good enough person to not take the free victory created by a feeder on the other team. And if I win a game like that, it doesn't feel good. Everyone knows we shouldn't have won. The winning team feels that they didn't deserve the victory. No one is happy with the outcome, save the troll who created the whole mess. And I feel so helpless in those situations when I'm stuck with a feeder. I can either surrender quickly and feel like I'm giving in to the demands of the person feeding, or I can try my best to win against impossible odds, stretching the game out into a long, agonizing slog to defeat. What can I do to keep the one person from ruining the game for the nine other people playing?
    Honestly, just surrendering is probably the best idea. If the feeder wants to provoke a surrender, well, who cares? Why make yourself and others torture themselves through another 10 or 15 or 20 minutes of fighting a terribly un-fun losing battle?

    For me, the solution is: surrender ASAP, play another game if I have time. The last game of a night is usually the one that determines the end mood, so I just hope for a good one.
    Not Person_Man, don't thank me for things he did.

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  2. - Top - End - #902
    Ettin in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Renekton Renekton Renekton... will you always be a thorn in my side? I have to apologize, because knowing me this is the fifth or sixth time I've asked for help with this alligator, but it's going to forever nag me until I can figure it out.

    How do you drive a Chevrolet Movie-theatre?
    Last edited by TechnOkami; 2012-04-14 at 05:37 AM.
    I've started streaming again.

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  3. - Top - End - #903
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Renekton, the melee caster.

    Basically you want to max cull first, followed by the stun, then the dash. Of cause your ult when ever you can but that goes without saying.

    Your rage bar is HUGELY important in that it buffs your skills. Need more health back? Cull some minions when you have 50% rage. Longer stun and more damage? Stun then at 50% rage. One thin I will say is using the dash when you are at 50% rage is.. not optimal.

    Early game you want to dash through minions, stun the enemy, cull the enemy, dash out continue farm.

    I'm a fan of 2-3 dorans blades, cool down boots (dependent on the team of cause) brut (dont bother upgrading it, ygb isnt worth it imho) then your typical fratmas/watmas (I like fratma's on him as you want to stick to people) Maw is really good on him as well when against a AP heavy team. then either GA Raduns or FoN for your defense.

    Summoners Flash or teleport then exhaust or ignite.

  4. - Top - End - #904
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Ghost blade is *really* good on Croc.


  5. - Top - End - #905
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Quote Originally Posted by Qaera View Post
    Ghost blade is *really* good on Croc.

    When finishing up your items, sure! But otherwise, there are better items you can put your money towards. Although, if you are ahead, a blade of avarice is not a bad pick up early to mid game.

  6. - Top - End - #906
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lix Lorn View Post
    Can I sig that?
    Go right ahead! I got sigged! Weeeeeee!

    Quote Originally Posted by Delusion View Post
    Second is that my champion roster lacks a Jungler who can iniate well. I have Alistar, but I feel like I need to have flash with him to properly iniate most of the time. Can anyone recommend me a jungler who can do that? Bonus points if he/she is relatively easy and cheap. Easy because I don't play Junglers that often, so I most likely wont get experience with him/her fast.

    Quote Originally Posted by PersonMan View Post
    Malphite, Malphite, Malphite.

    Cheap-ish (3150), easy initiation (press R, put AoE on enemy team), good burst (RWEQ1 means 'you all take [at least 700-800 base, 400 from ult + 200 base E + 1/2 of your newly buffed armor + your Q to one target] damage and your ADs are now terrible for ~2 seconds'), fairly easy jungling (I'm a fairly inexperienced jungler, but I ran 6/0/8 with jungle Malphite on my first try!*) and pretty good ganks.

    He's also an armor carry, just like Rammus!

    When I jungle with him I start Cloth + 5 pots and E, wolves then blue then beat up small monsters until you want to gank. At some point I get red.

    I normally build Ninja Tabi + HoG early, then go for a Frozen Heart (if magic damage is giving you trouble, I'd recommend starting on a Spirit Visage after you get the Glacial Shroud). Malphite loves CDR - or at least I do - so I normally want Randuin's, Tabi, FH, Spirit Visage as core defensive items first. After that I might check to see what the enemy team has, but I normally just ignore them and build more armor if I'm ahead.

    *Ok, this was primarily because their team was AD heavy and their mages both sucked and got shut down hard by Ashe/Malph double ult ganks.
    Yeah. I wouldn't suggest a Spirit Visage though. Get Shurelia's for CDR, HP and the OP active, buy a Negatron for MR.
    Truth resists simplicity.

  7. - Top - End - #907
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Quote Originally Posted by Frankelshtein View Post
    On a slightly more relevant note: I tried a couple games of AD Kass. He's fun and feels fairly powerful, but has some difficulties mid-game if you're at all under-farmed. Also, you'll get yelled at.
    How did you build him?
    I always ask a big question on the League thread right before bedtime so I have something to read while trying to wake up.
    Responses of any sort are wonderful.

    I like coming up with concepts for characters, and will do so often. But writing up crunch, especially for anything that isn't level 1, takes me a while, and after wasting lots of time writing unused characters on Mythweavers, I generally don't make a sheet unless a DM really likes the concept. Sorry.

  8. - Top - End - #908
    Orc in the Playground

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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Quote Originally Posted by Delusion View Post
    Second is that my champion roster lacks a Jungler who can iniate well. I have Alistar, but I feel like I need to have flash with him to properly iniate most of the time. Can anyone recommend me a jungler who can do that? Bonus points if he/she is relatively easy and cheap. Easy because I don't play Junglers that often, so I most likely wont get experience with him/her fast.(
    The quintessential initiator jungler is Amumu. We all know how that works. To a lesser extent, Trundle's poll can be used to initiate. Maokai is also a great initiator, Sejuani can handle that position, Cho'gath is good, and as previously mentioned, Malphite is another great choice.

  9. - Top - End - #909
    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    I second Amumu, that little mummy needs some love and at the moment seems quite underrated. Trying to write an article on the little fella as when I first started playing ranked in season 1 he was usually an instant ban or first pick and looking through his patch history not much has changed with him since then. So does anyone know why Amumu has fallen out of favour with the masses?

  10. - Top - End - #910
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    My favorite initiation jungler is Shyvana, popping dragon into the middle of the enemy team, followed by the general spamming of skills towards the enemy carry have allways worked pretty well for me.
    thnx to Starwoof for the fine avatar

  11. - Top - End - #911
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Quote Originally Posted by Octopus Jack View Post
    I second Amumu, that little mummy needs some love and at the moment seems quite underrated. Trying to write an article on the little fella as when I first started playing ranked in season 1 he was usually an instant ban or first pick and looking through his patch history not much has changed with him since then. So does anyone know why Amumu has fallen out of favour with the masses?
    Mix'n'match column A and column B:
    Column A: Changes in the champion pool make him a less secure pick; Amumu is more vulnerable in the early game, so aggressive early-game counter/control junglers can make a pretty big mess of his plans. This wasn't as big a problem when his jungle competition was Warwick and Nunu, but it is a concern when you're looking at Mundo and Shyvana and Lee Sin. Combine with a meta-shift toward much more jungle invasion and awareness of opportunities to gank into/out of the jungle and Amumu becomes a weaker general pick.

    Column B: The vast majority of the League fanbase are fickle, don't understand the game anywhere near as much as they think they do, and mostly do whatever the streaming pros tell them is good. Currently, none of the really popular names play Amumu.

  12. - Top - End - #912
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Quote Originally Posted by Venusaur View Post
    The quintessential initiator jungler is Amumu. We all know how that works. To a lesser extent, Trundle's poll can be used to initiate. Maokai is also a great initiator, Sejuani can handle that position, Cho'gath is good, and as previously mentioned, Malphite is another great choice.
    Nautilus is basically just a better Sejuani. Out of those jungle initiators I'd like more or less in order:
    - Mummy
    - Meowkai
    - Big Bro
    - Rock
    - Boargirl

    Note that Pants and Pirate are fairly good initiators too; both have an AOE slow with massive range, so while they lack hard initiation they force fights all the same. Shen can also initiate somewhat decently though his range isn't in the same ballpark as that of the rest.
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  13. - Top - End - #913

    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Quote Originally Posted by PersonMan View Post
    I normally build Ninja Tabi + HoG early, then go for a Frozen Heart (if magic damage is giving you trouble, I'd recommend starting on a Spirit Visage after you get the Glacial Shroud). Malphite loves CDR - or at least I do - so I normally want Randuin's, Tabi, FH, Spirit Visage as core defensive items first. After that I might check to see what the enemy team has, but I normally just ignore them and build more armor if I'm ahead.

    *Ok, this was primarily because their team was AD heavy and their mages both sucked and got shut down hard by Ashe/Malph double ult ganks.
    If the enemy does not have strong magic damage/has only one non-carry mage, I think getting health over MR is going to be more useful. For example, a recent game as Malphite the enemy had 3 AD carries, Soraka and Anivia. As long as I wasn't standing around giving Anivia free ult damage, she couldn't kill me nearly quickly enough to matter, so the HP from Randuin's and Shurelia's with the HP/MR from Aegis kept my in plenty of health so I could deal with the pesky AD dudes. Shurelia's also has the nice benefit of building out of Philo Stone, a great item for letting you use more spells in lane.
    Last edited by fred dref; 2012-04-14 at 02:32 PM.

  14. - Top - End - #914
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Quote Originally Posted by † Dran † View Post
    Renekton, the melee caster.

    Basically you want to max cull first, followed by the stun, then the dash. Of cause your ult when ever you can but that goes without saying.

    Your rage bar is HUGELY important in that it buffs your skills. Need more health back? Cull some minions when you have 50% rage. Longer stun and more damage? Stun then at 50% rage. One thin I will say is using the dash when you are at 50% rage is.. not optimal.

    Early game you want to dash through minions, stun the enemy, cull the enemy, dash out continue farm.

    I'm a fan of 2-3 dorans blades, cool down boots (dependent on the team of cause) brut (dont bother upgrading it, ygb isnt worth it imho) then your typical fratmas/watmas (I like fratma's on him as you want to stick to people) Maw is really good on him as well when against a AP heavy team. then either GA Raduns or FoN for your defense.

    Summoners Flash or teleport then exhaust or ignite.
    2300 Renekton player commentary.
    Also, don't underrate empowered Dice. Lategame, it's AOE, does decent damage, and armor shred like Dragon Strike. The overall effect for your team, if you have any other sources of AD damage, is significantly better. It also amplifies your own damage.
    Early-midgame, quite right. Since Cull is levelled, it gives significant heal and base damage. And Ruthless Predator scales mostly off base AD, so it does damage regardless, and extra stun is cool.
    Remember to fit in autoattacks whenever possible. You have AD, use it. In particular, you can autoattack reset your W, and fit in another attack before culling, since it has range.

    I would not pick Malphite outside of situational draft. He's only good at shutting down AD and autoattackers, via Ground Slam. If the enemy team picks triple AD (Riven, AD jungler like Nocturne, Xin, Yi, and a regular carry), Malphite is a solid counterpick (in this case, in jungle, since Riven should be able to completely ignore Malphite in lane. He might not die, but he won't hurt her). But if you pick him blind, you could get Vlad/Morde on the enemy team or something, and then you're much weaker than other options.

  15. - Top - End - #915
    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Quote Originally Posted by Qaera View Post
    Ghost blade is *really* good on Croc.
    Last Whisper is probably better unless the enemy team is bizarrely squishy.
    That said, Doran's, Hexdrinker, Spirit Visage, Phage, Last Whisper, and Atma's are all excellent.
    Quote Originally Posted by Octopus Jack View Post
    I second Amumu, that little mummy needs some love and at the moment seems quite underrated. Trying to write an article on the little fella as when I first started playing ranked in season 1 he was usually an instant ban or first pick and looking through his patch history not much has changed with him since then. So does anyone know why Amumu has fallen out of favour with the masses?
    He's easily counter-jungled, highly predictable, and very blue dependent. That's pretty much Udyr/Lee Sin/Shyvana/Mundo's dream matchup.
    Last edited by ex cathedra; 2012-04-14 at 03:41 PM.

  16. - Top - End - #916
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Quote Originally Posted by PersonMan View Post
    Every single Ranked game I've played has been Bruiser Top, AP Mage mid, AD/Support bot, Jungler. This is what I mean. In two random solo queue games I might see one jungler, or two, or three or four. I might see Ashe mid while I jungle, or Rumble bot. There's more variety.
    While there is no real reason to run bruisers top and APs middle every single friggin game (and saying AP mage middle is really meaningless. Morgana, Ryze, and Karthus, for instance, while all "AP mages" all play incredibly different and even function differently in a team), the reason people do this is because ... its the best way to play the game. If you want to win, you run 1 guy top, 1 guy middle (who should have either extreme pushing power or the ability to gank mid game. Basically this is the description of most mages) and 2 guys bottom, probably Support+AD, though some form of double bruiser kill lane supposedly works.

    I should point out that double AP is very very viable. And certain champions like Trynd and Riven, who build mostly damage, can solo top fine.

    There are specific reasons that you don't see stuff like Ashe middle, but this has more to do with the way that AP heroes operate versus how Ashe operates. Though, tbh, I have a feeling several of the top middle laners would just wreck Ashe.

    (And, to be honest, enough many people just complacently follow the meta and have no idea how to play against something new that the 'shock value' can make an otherwise inferior lane get the advantage.)
    While this is true, especially in a tourney game (pull out a hero no one plays, do well with it and you can really mess people up), in solo queue you run the risk of getting your team to rage against you. One of the simplest ways to win games is to pick good heroes that everyone knows are good and do well with them. Furthermore, people are nicer than you think. People won't rage if you pick Viktor, even if people think he sucks.

    Doing something really weird though will bring rage, and Rage isn't a good thing...

    Oh, and because ranked generally has a higher number of 'a mistake is made? RAGE MODE ACTIVATED!' and 'enemy has 1 more HP? GG noob team' type players, in my experience.
    In my experience: you are wrong. Ranked is more serious, yes, but its not "if top dies I will say GG in all chat EVERY SINGLE GAME." Yes, you get games like that, but 90% of your games are average LoL solo queue. There will be rage and cursing in chat, but not the uncontrollable hatred that makes you want to give up playing LoL forever. More like the "well we ****ed up. GG." Rage.

    This is probably the reason, yes. Although, if you have a 2v1 top lane you can often get ahead in kills from ganks if you're the one. I recently played as Malph against an Akali/Trynd top and we were up 3 kills by the time their 'push all the time, tank Malph to get tower damage' strategy even began to bear fruit.
    To be honest, Akali/Trynd is one of the worst lanes i can think of, ever. Thats 2 melee carries who both rely heavily on snowball in the same lane. If that lane loses you're almost garunteed to lose the game.

    (If ELO hell is bad teams, good enemies, then am I in ELO heaven? My teams are generally fairly competent, but I keep noticing pretty stupid mistakes being made by people I'm against.)
    I dunno what ELO hell is. ELO hell is a state of mind, an opinion, a viewpoint. It doesn't really exist but people talk about it so maybe it kinda does. ELO Hell is where you feel that no matter how hard you play you always lose.

    See, if ranked were like this for me, I'd probably enjoy it more than I do now. It's always the same team comp, though. People don't switch-up because, in my experience, not following the meta means people start the game off with 'gg' and a general negative attitude.

    Cheap-ish (3150), easy initiation (press R, put AoE on enemy team), good burst (RWEQ1 means 'you all take [at least 700-800 base, 400 from ult + 200 base E + 1/2 of your newly buffed armor + your Q to one target] damage and your ADs are now terrible for ~2 seconds'), fairly easy jungling (I'm a fairly inexperienced jungler, but I ran 6/0/8 with jungle Malphite on my first try!*) and pretty good ganks.
    Malphite is an alright tank. BUt Rammus is probably better in terms of vs. Armor and stuff. Rammus is actually pretty crazy late game. He just suffers because he gets counterjungled easily.

    Moakai and Nautilus are all around better tank-junglers. Mundo, Shyv are crazy late game because they get very tanky. Udyr can also do this, and he has better CC/Chase than either of those heroes.

    I normally build Ninja Tabi + HoG early, then go for a Frozen Heart (if magic damage is giving you trouble, I'd recommend starting on a Spirit Visage after you get the Glacial Shroud).
    Spirit Visage on Malphite? Umm... no. If you are fighting against a team with a lot of magic (Let's say a double AP team) then something like Aegis Wit's End, Warmogs, or Sunfire is good. I say those last two items because Flat Health is actually pretty decent against Mages, especially since the enemy probably have some sort of AD damage. Actually, Sunfire+FoN is probably a pretty good combo. This is especially true if you built Merc Treads.

    In fact, I think the biggest reason to get Merc Treads on tanks is because of the way MR v Armor naturally scales. Most heroes get very little, if any scaling MR base. So getting Merc Treads can give you just enough MR to last to mid game while you stack armor or health as needed. Late game you can make use of items like FoN.

    The primary issue with MR is that most MR items suck as a tank. Catalyst for a jungler is flat out bad, so Bveil (which is a joke compared to how good it was a year ago anyways) isn't really good on most tanks. QQS is kinda dumb since ... you don't benefit enough. FoN is good but only as a late game item. Abyssal is okay, but very situational towards the tank you are playing. That leaves you with mid-tier items. Bruiser items. Spirit Visage, Hexdrinker, Wits End, Aegis.

    Aegis is really damn good so its always a good buy. Spirit Visage is only good on heroes with heals and is often a semi-troll item anyways. Basically unless you are playing Warwick its probably not a good item to buy. However, certain matchups as Galio, Udyr, Yorick and Gangplank can very easily make good use of this item. In general though Kindlegem is best built into a Shurelias, so...

    Wits End is good on most tanky guys. Its better than you think. It gives someone like Malphite reasonable DPS in a fight, for instance. Its godlike on Udyr and Warwick. Its actually rather good on Gangplank. Hexdrinker is like Wits End but now its scales really well because it can be upgraded. Buy this on guys that scale with AD. Heroes like Lee Sin, Riven, Nocturne. Sadly, very few of these guys are generally pure tanks so its not very good on tanky heroes. However, Nocturne and Gangplank can build pretty tanky and they scale very well with AD so...
    Last edited by toasty; 2012-04-14 at 04:10 PM.

  17. - Top - End - #917
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    One argument I've heard in favor of Ghostblade on phsyicasters is that it gives you eight seconds of autoattacking while you wait for your cooldowns. So, it's good for folks like Renekton and Pantheon looking for something to do in between spells.
    Quote Originally Posted by JeminiZero View Post
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  18. - Top - End - #918
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Quote Originally Posted by dgnslyr View Post
    One argument I've heard in favor of Ghostblade on phsyicasters is that it gives you eight seconds of autoattacking while you wait for your cooldowns. So, it's good for folks like Renekton and Pantheon looking for something to do in between spells.
    Meh, its an expensive item that gives you crit. Its kinda overrated except maybe on Nocturne or Riven, who both have better itemization anyways. Ghostblade is actually best used on auto-attack focused Bruisers like Olaf and Gangplank. But again, there are better items.

    Brutalizer is good though, I admit.

  19. - Top - End - #919
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    If you get Rumble in duo bot; you're either on a different server, or at superlatively low normal ELO. The extent of breaking the meta I see in normals is like... support fiddlesticks with Pantheon. From a 2k ranked player. Heck, I get more meta-breaking in ranked; last few games had support Urgot, Xin Zhao, and jungle Wukong. I've had an enemy team that constantly roamed all lanes bottom, and let Teemo push to an inhib in 15 minutes.

    Watching 4pl steam, I noticed a spectator bug. Apparently the visual effect for heal debuffs pops up on towers, at least when hitting them with Impure Shots.

  20. - Top - End - #920
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Quote Originally Posted by toasty View Post
    In my experience: you are wrong. Ranked is more serious, yes, but its not "if top dies I will say GG in all chat EVERY SINGLE GAME." Yes, you get games like that, but 90% of your games are average LoL solo queue. There will be rage and cursing in chat, but not the uncontrollable hatred that makes you want to give up playing LoL forever. More like the "well we ****ed up. GG." Rage.
    I've only encountered absurdly hateful ragey-rage once (actually twice, I somehow got on the same team as the guy twice), interestingly enough not in Ranked. Instead, there's the at times more annoying aspect of giving up - or at least appearing to give up - very early in the game, when the enemy has a minor advantage.

    It has been a while since my last Ranked game, though, so I probably don't have the best recollection of what's normal for me in them.

    To be honest, Akali/Trynd is one of the worst lanes i can think of, ever. Thats 2 melee carries who both rely heavily on snowball in the same lane. If that lane loses you're almost garunteed to lose the game.
    Honestly, this is one of those cases where you could look at their team/lane comp and draw conclusions about their overall skill level. They were terrible. But it was fun to play against them, at least.

    @Items: Sounds pretty interesting. I'll probably try something like that, although I don't normally get very long games as Malph - the past few times have primarily been 'stomp early game, build FH + NT + Randuin's, they surrender before I go b again'. Wit's End, especially, will add more than just burst, which will be nice.

    EDIT: Actually, that's not a bug - it shows up even in a normal game. It's only meaningful for the turrets that regen or for when Heimer is next to one,'s there.
    Last edited by PersonMan; 2012-04-14 at 04:20 PM.
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  21. - Top - End - #921
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    I've shot towers as MF before, and I'm pretty sure they didn't get an heal debuff icon halfway into the tower, that you could see without clicking it.

  22. - Top - End - #922
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Quote Originally Posted by Arbitrarity View Post
    I've shot towers as MF before, and I'm pretty sure they didn't get an heal debuff icon halfway into the tower, that you could see without clicking it.
    Oh, that's what you mean.

    Now that I think about it, though, I think I see those, too. I'm not sure, though.

    I'll make a custom game and check. It doesn't show up.
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  23. - Top - End - #923
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Ashe mid is kind of terrible because she has terrible stats and growths, and one poke move that doesn't deal much damage. She's probably the games biggest ult bot, honestly. The *only* growth she has that's any decent is her quite high attack speed growth. No CC, no skills to poke with, limited pushing power, and more really hinder her, even if she can cross-lane gank with a lot of skill and a little luck.
    Last edited by PEACH; 2012-04-14 at 04:46 PM.
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  24. - Top - End - #924
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    Quote Originally Posted by PersonMan View Post
    Honestly, just surrendering is probably the best idea. If the feeder wants to provoke a surrender, well, who cares? Why make yourself and others torture themselves through another 10 or 15 or 20 minutes of fighting a terribly un-fun losing battle?

    For me, the solution is: surrender ASAP, play another game if I have time. The last game of a night is usually the one that determines the end mood, so I just hope for a good one.
    Yeah, I should work on being less stubborn about trying to win in situations like those. Surrendering a game you should have won isnt a good feeling, but what else is there to do?

    Quote Originally Posted by Maeglin_Dubh View Post
    How did you build him?
    Meki Pendant > (Boots 1) > Tear > Berserker's Greaves > Wit's End > Manamune > Phage > Triforce > More AD

    I max his Q first, and his W second. I take a level in his E at 2 for the slow.

    I'm considering replacing Triforce with Frozen Mallet > Atma's, to make Kass slightly less squishy. It's a fun build, but it's quite different from normal Kassadin play. I find that I need to place Riftwalk much more carefully, as the extra seconds it might take to walk into melee range could be fatal.
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Quote Originally Posted by PEACH View Post
    Ashe mid is kind of terrible because she has terrible stats and growths, and one poke move that doesn't deal much damage. She's probably the games biggest ult bot, honestly. The *only* growth she has that's any decent is her quite high attack speed growth. No CC, no skills to poke with, limited pushing power, and more really hinder her, even if she can cross-lane gank with a lot of skill and a little luck.
    I had an Ashe mid while I was katarina, every ult was an easy dodge with shunpo. >.> I remember morde, Leona, and Teemo trying to take my tower after I'd killed Ashe and I was easily able to triple kill due to Ashe feeding.
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Quote Originally Posted by Frankelshtein View Post
    Yeah, I should work on being less stubborn about trying to win in situations like those. Surrendering a game you should have won isnt a good feeling, but what else is there to do?
    One of the most important parts about doing well in solo queue is keeping a good mindset. The longer you play with ragers and trolls, the harder it is to keep a good mindset. Remember thing. Trying to carry a complete troll is a very depressing process and while it can be done, I don't think its really worth the emotional energy, most of the time. With this in mind, your best bet is to just surrender. Save yourself the time and energy and move on.

    That's my opinion at least.

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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    I don't actually see that much difference when I play normal draft vs. ranked. Unconventional strats pop up, to be sure, but they're more likely to be along the lines of Corki top or the old Sion/Taric duo bot, rather than Akali/Tryn bot or Ashe mid. There's a difference between being unconventional or silly, and simply picking badly. The latter is not a virtue; liking normal queue because team comps are more varied is one thing, but not if the variation comes from people simply doing stupid things.

    EDIT: On that note, Graves mid vs. Kassadin, yea or nay?
    Last edited by Math_Mage; 2012-04-14 at 05:19 PM.

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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Quote Originally Posted by toasty View Post
    Spirit Visage on Malphite? Umm... no. If you are fighting against a team with a lot of magic (Let's say a double AP team) then something like Aegis Wit's End, Warmogs, or Sunfire is good. I say those last two items because Flat Health is actually pretty decent against Mages, especially since the enemy probably have some sort of AD damage. Actually, Sunfire+FoN is probably a pretty good combo. This is especially true if you built Merc Treads.
    The most common MR item on Malph is usually Abyssal, because he synergizes so well with the MR Reduction aura and has decent AP scaling for a tank. Wit's is another decent option. Always get Abyssal before FoN on him tho; he doesn't really need the move speed due to how his ult and Q function.
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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    Quote Originally Posted by Eldariel View Post
    The most common MR item on Malph is usually Abyssal, because he synergizes so well with the MR Reduction aura and has decent AP scaling for a tank. Wit's is another decent option. Always get Abyssal before FoN on him tho; he doesn't really need the move speed due to how his ult and Q function.
    Honestly I wish Malphite was better as a pure AP hero. I like tankyap heroes like Galio and Malphite (I'd say Vlad, but vlad... is stupid).

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    Default Re: League of Legends XXXII: Cupcakes and Kittens and Squirrels. Oh my!

    I miss the good ol' days where mid lane was Ashe vs Ashe, your choice of Vladimir, Kennen, Morgana, Rumble or Morde top, Warwick, Nunu or Amumu in the jungle and then bottom lane just did whatever because seriously.

    Screw bottom lane.

    Anyway I'm on a carry kick and I have to ask, are boots 2 on a carry even worth it at all? Like, I normally wait until I've got my Infinity Edge, then upgrade them, but recently I've just been grabbing a Zeal and not really noticing a difference. Compared to Zerkers you get pretty much the same stats, better movespeed, crit and it costs a bit more. Since I'd have been buying a Zeal next anyway, is there really any reason to upgrade to boots 2 other than getting stomped by autoattacks (Tabi) or getting stomped by CC (Treads)?

    I mean obviously discount this for Miss Fortune since you definitely grab Sorc Shoes on her.
    Last edited by Dogmantra; 2012-04-14 at 05:25 PM.
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