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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Narren View Post
    I would LOVE to see that in real life. That's ten swings per second!
    Even worse, that's 10 chances that you hit per second....who knows how many swings!
    Just in case, in any game I've applied to without being selected: DMs are more than welcome to use my submission as an NPC as they wish!

    Huge thanks to Howl for puting some Boomstick in my avatar

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Halfling in the Playground

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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    I just want to add that I know RoarinFlames IRL and also know this DM. I can attest to the..... I want to say ignorance of the DM but really, he is just stupid. *sigh* We used to try and help the DM play and learn the rules but even after a year long game the DM (lets call him Frank) still could not level up his own character.

    I personally am glad that RoarinFlames walked away as he can be a bit of a short fuse (you know I love man *bro fist*) and it speaks well of him that he just quit the game. I am not surprised that alot of people here have encountered this level of horrible Dming and I pray to all the Gods old and new that no one will ever have to experience.

    Now I understand that there are houserules and I used to use them heavily but really when Flames called me and told me what happened I just said walk away. Or something to that effect as I was half asleep. Somebody *nudge nudge Flames* just needs to restart their awesome game again

    Sorry for just ranting, I just wanted to add my 2cp in and I am super bored at work

    Edit: Flames, if you want you can try to go back for one more session but this time convince Frank to let me play. I may nkt be the best at optimization but you know I have some tricks up my sleeves. It would be good to break him again and show him the errors of his was.
    Last edited by Valdor; 2012-10-29 at 04:07 AM.
    Is that what i think it is?

    *eats the fighter*

    Yeah that is a dragon... Run?

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    If I DM and someone tries the crap about getting a standard action per attack being able to be used, I will have a monk 12/wizard 20 walk in, stare at the PC, and flurry of blows 5 spells at him, or better yet, time stop and delay fireball the hell out of him. Seriously, I'll describe it as this.

    Me- "Remember Final Fantasy II?"
    PC-"Yeah, why?"
    Me- "The old man that stares at you disappears from your view, as does everything else."
    PC- "What?!"
    Me- You're dead, he basically cast 8 Meteos, 2 Nukes, and called Bahamut and Jinn all at the same time. An imp walks up an poops on your charred body. Golbez was the loved child, your father hated you, Rosa was cheating on you....with Kain...and Cid."
    Last edited by Sugashane; 2012-10-29 at 03:44 AM.

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by roarinflames View Post
    I've never actually walked out of a session before today. started with a new group and dm that was running a gestalt game (i already expected shenanigans). the dm has little dm experience and was relying on another player who had "been playing this for close to forever."

    so far, what ive picked up as far as their understanding of the rules.

    1. bonuses of the same type stack as long as they come from different sources, except enhancement bonuses.
    evidenced by the psion putting inertial armor over his full plate, and stacking.

    2. the amount of attacks your BAB bonus allows is your number of standard actions per round, yes even for spellcasters. i dont even know how they came to that conclusion

    3. encountered wooden doors that were booby trapped with fireballs when opened but only blasted the outside of the door, when opened from either side. (in a monk monestary, mind you. he was making it up as he went along)

    4. no psi-mag transparency, but if theres a feat thats for magic with no psionic equivalent, it works for psionics (dont really care about this, but still it seems really dumb)

    5. tried to tell me precise shot doesnt work for eldritch actually serious.

    6. we're level 12, the phrenic grey elf erudite/warmage has an intelligence of 38 and a charisma of 26, someone explain plz

    regardless i quit the game, there was so much dumb, i could not brain

    please somebody tell me theyve had a worse experience than this
    yeah, I've had a worse one:

    I rolled a beguiler because I wanted to do fun roleplay things and troll everybody with my disguise/bluff/etc.

    first game: DM says "herp derp, left 4 dead, guys"

    all undead. all the time. mindless zombies. cue 4 hours of damage rolling (roll damage to see how many zombies you kill, no atk/dmg roll)

    we go to fortify ourselves behind a building and he randomly gave everybody guns and stuff (roleplay and story? what's that?) that don't precisely materialize out of the air so much as we just have them. everyone but me that is, I was graced with a weaboo katana, so I had to wait until the zombies were crawling up the wall (I guess they are all spider-man) to be effective.

    the ranger, the DM's frat bro, has a brilliant energy everythingbane +5 force bow (we are level four) that makes touch attacks against everything that ignore armor and nat armor and let him shoot through multiple guys even if the arrow doesn't drop the first one. Yes. he is killing zombies with this bow. because that's how brilliant energy works.

    the fighter, since he owns 3 weapons, apparently gets to make 3 attacks as a full attack action. at level 4.

    we finally finish mindless dice rolling and then the zombies suddenly morph into a corpse gatherer (again, we are level 4)

    the halfling rogue climbs up it for some reason and steals a shiny that is in its forehead and that kills it. he falls a million feet and dies. the DM says "oh no, you're alive, it's ok"

    we GTFO and go back to a magic iceberg (no explanation in-game either) that teleports us to random places when you cast magic on it (no it doesn't matter what kind) I indulge myself with an ontological quandary by casting detect magic on the nonfuntional iceberg. I detect no magic, but as I keep my concentration up, more magic comes and eventually it turns into lasers (I am unfortunately serious) and we go find ourselves in new york city

    unfortunately, I am serious.

    through the DM's failure to describe anything right, I eventually determine we are in the 30s. no one will take our gp, because I guess gold wasn't valuable back then. we go to get some normal clothes because my character is a beguiler and damnit I am finally getting the chance to be fabulous.

    we go into a hotel and the concierge makes a joke about me keeping the halfling, who we say is a child for simplicity's sake, as an illicit sexual companion

    our characters are both dudes, but my beguiler is, as I wrote in the backstory that unfortunately never saw the light of day in this campaign, an absolute queen, so I just make a come-hither face at the DM and that shuts him up, because calling someone gay is only funny if they react negatively or something.

    I realise at this point that the party never stays anywhere more than one game, they're just derpaported at the end of each session so there's no opportunity for my beguiler to build social networks

    there's also no one following us.

    I ask the concierge if there is work in this town, if he gets my meaning, and the DM has him ask what his hourly rate is, because since my character is gay, that obviously means he is a prostitute.

    I use charm person to teach him some manners and tell him I'm looking for mercenary work since I might as well make a little money.

    I duck into the coatroom and disguise myself as al capone (32 disguise check, beguiler, you are the best) to talk to the contact on the off chance that there is continuity in this trainwreck of a game

    he tells me to kill a union member who lives at such and such location and I get to show off my chicago accent. I agree because there's nothing else to do in this awful game. the fighter is upstairs rolling "knowledge: architecture and engineering" (yes fighters get that as a class skill, didn't you know?) and sticking forks in the electrical sockets.

    I go to the contact and become irish since the target is living in an irish ghetto. I masquerade as one of his coworkers to warn him there's a hit out for him and that I'm here to help him fight off those lousy mafia goons.

    he foolishly lets me in (sense motive rolls? what are those?) and starts packing. I cast sleep and coup de grace him with my rapier, which I didn't bother hiding just to see if the DM would notice.

    I make an open lock check to lock the door from the inside and it's okayed. I climb out the window with spider climb and down to street level wearing the target's face (metaphorically)

    the party in my absence has decided to rob a bank, which sounds like it might be more fun than ganking commoners, so I tell them that I acquired in a totally legitimate manner, the accoutrements of a bank security guard (where the mark worked)

    no one questions it, not even the paladin. it sucks being the only one that roleplays.

    I use my cover ID to unlock the doors, spam sleep while the paladin (vanilla) kills everybody. I blink and look around the table. no one comments. I ask him if he played paladin because of wow and he of course says yes.

    we empty the vault into my bag of holding (which can apparently hold the new york mint) and there's a secret tunnel in the vault leading underground.

    we go down instead of, y'know, running away from the bank we just robbed and the people we just killed (democracy sucks) and we see a design on the floor with a cup in the center.

    paladin casts create water (but it's create beer because everyone else at the table is a drunken frat boy) in the cup and something happens.

    lich comes out and I leap on the opportunity to roleplay before a million hours of boring combat ensues.

    beguiler:"why, hello there. you appear to be temporally displaced as well. we were just on our way out, would you care to accompany us?" (some obscene number on diplomacy)
    lich: no, Imma kil u guyz, lol
    beguiler:"why? we've just met. surely we can make some sort of arrangement." (I'm not getting anywhere with little piddly numbers like 35 at lvl 4 with diplomacy, no sir)
    lich:uh, cuz imma lich and im evil.

    I repress a sneer OOC and cast my advanced learning, entice gift, just to see if the DM has any idea what he's doing.

    the lich fails his save and gives me his mundane light crossbow. against a mind affecting spell.

    I run back and the party opens fire. cue a million hours of boring combat. none of my spells do damage, and even with the DM apparently forgetting that undead are immune to mind affecting affects, there's nothing I can do but cast silence centered near the lich so he can't cast any spells with verbal components.

    ranger does a bazillion damage a round but combat still drags on for 2 hours. every round, we roll a ref save and those of us who fail get damaged as if by fireball (at lvl 4) I am a beguiler and since this is my first game, mistakenly thought I cared about dex, so I'm able to make them easily enough, even when they start at DC20 and get higher every round. I ask if the lich is getting burned since he has no visible means of protecting himself (not wearing any items)

    dm says "it's a fire lich"

    well gee willickers, I didn't know there was any such monster. :smallfu rious:

    the ranger kills it with his pretty rainbow bow (that I remind you is brilliant energy) and he and the pally brofist and celebrate. I ask where its phylactery is. the DM gives me a blank stare and says he's wearing it. I say that when no one else is looking, I pocket it with an amazing sleight of hand check (beguilers have all the skill points) I do so because no one ever pays attention to anything that's not watching the ranger roll dice.

    I quietly pack up and never come back.

    moral of the story?

    don't play D&D with people you don't know, they might all turn out to be jerks.

    this was not the best first game.
    I've got a new fantasy TTRPG about running your own fencing school in a 3 musketeers pastiche setting. Book coming soon.

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    Quote Originally Posted by weckar View Post
    Venger, can you be my full-time memory aid please?
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  5. - Top - End - #35
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    I had a player for a while that we let DM once and things got really weird. Here are some of the rules he set up. They are in order.

    1. If you do a ranged attack at a target and miss, it automatically hits someone standing in an adjacent square.

    2. We convinced him #1 was absurd, so it changed into using throwing miss rules for all ranged weapons (specifically bows). Roll a d8 to determine which spot is accidentally automatically hit.

    3. We then convinced him that automatic hits are retarded by intentionally missing targets and hitting things next to them. He then highly reluctantly changed it so that there was an attack roll at the target automatically shot at next to them on a miss.

    4. Everyone stopped doing all ranged attacking whatsoever since it was retarded and the player who was playing a ranged (Ranger I think) character walked out.

  6. - Top - End - #36
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Feather fall takes a standard action to cast, and can't be cast while falling.

    Your move, internet.
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  7. - Top - End - #37
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by HunterOfJello View Post
    I had a player for a while that we let DM once and things got really weird. Here are some of the rules he set up. They are in order.

    1. If you do a ranged attack at a target and miss, it automatically hits someone standing in an adjacent square.

    2. We convinced him #1 was absurd, so it changed into using throwing miss rules for all ranged weapons (specifically bows). Roll a d8 to determine which spot is accidentally automatically hit.

    3. We then convinced him that automatic hits are retarded by intentionally missing targets and hitting things next to them. He then highly reluctantly changed it so that there was an attack roll at the target automatically shot at next to them on a miss.

    4. Everyone stopped doing all ranged attacking whatsoever since it was retarded and the player who was playing a ranged (Ranger I think) character walked out.
    I played with someone once who thought that you provoked AoOs for entering a character's threatened space. And that ranged weapons threatened out to their maximum range increment.

    (enemies charge)
    (PCs shoot him to pieces and he dies before he gets close to us)

    (enemies have ranged weapons and outnumber PCs)
    (we all just run the hell away, there's no reason to bother)

    not a good game.
    I've got a new fantasy TTRPG about running your own fencing school in a 3 musketeers pastiche setting. Book coming soon.

    Check out my NEW sci-fi TTRPG about first contact. Cool alien races, murderous AIs, and more. New expansion featuring rules for ships! New book here NOW!

    Quote Originally Posted by weckar View Post
    Venger, can you be my full-time memory aid please?
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  8. - Top - End - #38
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lonely Tylenol View Post
    Feather fall takes a standard action to cast, and can't be cast while falling.

    Your move, internet.
    *Is utterly stunned*
    I am not seaweed. That's a B.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ThiagoMartell View Post
    Kelb, recently it looks like you're the Avatar of Reason in these forums, man.
    Quote Originally Posted by LTwerewolf View Post
    [...] bringing Kelb in on your side in a rules fight is like bringing Mike Tyson in on your side to fight a toddler. You can, but it's such massive overkill.
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  9. - Top - End - #39
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lonely Tylenol View Post
    Feather fall takes a standard action to cast, and can't be cast while falling.

    Your move, internet.
    I was there when SKR explained "how Flurry of Blows actually works in Pathfinder."

    Your move, Tylenol. The Internet Has Spoken.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chilingsworth View Post
    Wow! Not only was that awesome, I think I actually kinda understand Archeron now. If all the "intermediate" outer planes got that kind of treatment, I doubt there would be anywhere near as many critics of their utility.
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  10. - Top - End - #40
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lonely Tylenol View Post
    Feather fall takes a standard action to cast, and can't be cast while falling.

    Your move, internet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelb_Panthera View Post
    *Is utterly stunned*
    ah ha! your reaction has given me the answer!

    clearly, if you want to actually use feather fall, you must roll divine bard and go into medani prophet, hope that your visions will tell you every time that you will ever fall, taking mark of the dauntless feat to become immune to the stunning that occurs when you get a vision, take feather fall as one of your precious few spells known as a bard, and then cast it the round before you're going to fall (instead of avoiding the fall, that'd be unsportsmanlike)

    clearly, that's what the writers of the rules intended. I mean, just look at the text and try to tell me different
    I've got a new fantasy TTRPG about running your own fencing school in a 3 musketeers pastiche setting. Book coming soon.

    Check out my NEW sci-fi TTRPG about first contact. Cool alien races, murderous AIs, and more. New expansion featuring rules for ships! New book here NOW!

    Quote Originally Posted by weckar View Post
    Venger, can you be my full-time memory aid please?
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  11. - Top - End - #41
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Gareth View Post
    I was there when SKR explained "how Flurry of Blows actually works in Pathfinder."

    Your move, Tylenol. The Internet Has Spoken.
    LONELY TYLENOL is confused!

    It hurt itself in its confusion!
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  12. - Top - End - #42
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Gareth View Post
    I was there when SKR explained "how Flurry of Blows actually works in Pathfinder."

    Your move, Tylenol. The Internet Has Spoken.
    Sooooo how does it work in his little precious world and how does it really work in comparasion?

    My DM was a bit in shock as I introduced ToB. He thought the Level needed to use a maneuver was class level... he was a bit spooked by the 8th and 9th ones...^^
    Last edited by Krazzman; 2012-10-29 at 04:24 AM.
    Have a nice Day,

  13. - Top - End - #43
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Gareth View Post
    I was there when SKR explained "how Flurry of Blows actually works in Pathfinder."

    Your move, Tylenol. The Internet Has Spoken.
    You poor poor man. I'm so sorry for the injury done to you by that foul heathen. (the messed up part here is that I'm not sure if I'm joking or not, or whether or not I should be.)
    Quote Originally Posted by Venger View Post

    ah ha! your reaction has given me the answer!

    clearly, if you want to actually use feather fall, you must roll divine bard and go into medani prophet, hope that your visions will tell you every time that you will ever fall, taking mark of the dauntless feat to become immune to the stunning that occurs when you get a vision, take feather fall as one of your precious few spells known as a bard, and then cast it the round before you're going to fall (instead of avoiding the fall, that'd be unsportsmanlike)

    clearly, that's what the writers of the rules intended. I mean, just look at the text and try to tell me different
    I'm not familiar with Medani Prophet, but I'm always interested in divinatory classes. Source please?
    I am not seaweed. That's a B.

    Praise I've received
    Quote Originally Posted by ThiagoMartell View Post
    Kelb, recently it looks like you're the Avatar of Reason in these forums, man.
    Quote Originally Posted by LTwerewolf View Post
    [...] bringing Kelb in on your side in a rules fight is like bringing Mike Tyson in on your side to fight a toddler. You can, but it's such massive overkill.
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  14. - Top - End - #44
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sean K. Reynolds
    Sean K Reynolds wrote:

    I just double-checked with Jason, and my statement is correct. Flurry works like TWF. You can't pick your best weapon and use it for all of your flurry attacks.

    We're really talking about two different situations. Say we have a monk15 doing a flurry of blows. His attack sequence is +13/+13/+8/+8/+3/+3.

    1) If all of his potential attacks are identical (for example, all he's doing are unarmed strikes and none of his unarmed strikes are enhanced by magic fang or any other effect that would give it a different attack bonus or damage value, it doesn't matter if you justify all six of those as punches, all six as headbutts, all six as kicks, or three as kicks and three as punches, or punch kick knee elbow elbow headbutt, because those attacks are identical in terms of attack and damage. That's what the "any combination" text in the flurry rule means--the difference between the attacks is just flavor and has no game effect, so you can use them in any combination because what you call it has no effect on the dice.
    (Just like if you have a TWF fighter using two identical +1 short swords with identical attack and damage bonuses, it doesn't really matter for each individual attack if he's using the left shortsword or the right shortsword, declaring it doesn't affect the dice, he can roll all his attack dice at the same time and doesn't have to call them out separately.)

    2) If even one of the monk's potential attack forms is not identical to the others, such as using a special monk weapon with an attack bonus or damage different than his unarmed strike, or having magic fang on one hand but not any other body part, now the order and identity of each attack matters, and you have to specify what you're attacking with and you have to abide by the TWF rules because your decisions affect the die rolls. In other words that monk15 is actually making attacks with two weapons, one with a main attack bonus of +13 and iteratives at +8/+3, and another with a main attack bonus of +13 and iteratives at +8/+3. So if you have a +5 sai in your left hand and a normal sai in your right hand, you can't say you're using the +5 sai for all six of your attacks, you're doing +13/+8/+3 with the left hand (adding the sai's +5 enhancement bonus, of course) and +13/+8/+3 with the right hand.
    Jason says that in this situation, the "any combination" text means you can swap in a regular unarmed strike in place of any of those attacks (though that's not clear in the text). (Doing so affects the attack and damage rolls for that attack, of course.) So you could swap out your left-hand +8 attack for an unarmed strike such as a kick or elbow (losing the +5 enhancement bonus to that attack because you're not actually using the +5 sai to make that attack), swap out all of the right-hand sai attacks for unarmed strikes, and so on, but you're still abiding by the TWF setup in that you have a series of attacks with one weapon and a series of attacks with your other weapon.

    TLDR: (1) Flurry is based on TWF. (2) If all your attacks are identical, declaring which weapon is which is pure flavor and doesn't affect the dice, so go ahead an call them whatever you want. (3) If even one of your attacks is different than the others, you have to follow the TWF rules when flurrying; you can't just declare all of your flurry of blows attacks to be your best weapon because you can't do that with TWF.
    There you go. The original post in all of its glory. Here's the link.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chilingsworth View Post
    Wow! Not only was that awesome, I think I actually kinda understand Archeron now. If all the "intermediate" outer planes got that kind of treatment, I doubt there would be anywhere near as many critics of their utility.
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  15. - Top - End - #45
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lonely Tylenol View Post
    Feather fall takes a standard action to cast, and can't be cast while falling.
    This is not a wrong interpretation.
    You can interpret wrongly a rule, only if you actually read the rule beforehand. And clearly this actually didn't happened.

    The phrase "You can cast this spell quickly enough to save yourself if you unexpectedly fall. Casting the spell is a immediate action, allowing you to cast this spell even when it isn’t your turn." shouldn't be open to different readings...

    Please, tell me that the DM never bothered to read the spell.
    Do I contradict myself?
    Very well then I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes. (W.Whitman)

    Things that increase my self esteem:
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaiyanwang View Post
    Great analysis KA. I second all things you said
    Quote Originally Posted by JoeYounger View Post
    Great analysis KA, I second everything you said here.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu_Bonkosi View Post
    If I have a player using Paladin in the future I will direct them to this. Good job.
    Quote Originally Posted by grimbold View Post
    THIS is proof that KA is amazing
    Quote Originally Posted by PairO'Dice Lost View Post
    Killer Angel, you have an excellent taste in books
    Quote Originally Posted by Eldan View Post
    Historical zombies is a fantastic idea.

  16. - Top - End - #46
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Killer Angel View Post
    This is not a wrong interpretation.
    You can interpret wrongly a rule, only if you actually read the rule beforehand. And clearly this actually didn't happened.

    The phrase "You can cast this spell quickly enough to save yourself if you unexpectedly fall. Casting the spell is a immediate action, allowing you to cast this spell even when it isn’t your turn." shouldn't be open to different readings...

    Please, tell me that the DM never bothered to read the spell.
    I wish that were true. This was the heated argument that ended a year of gaming with the group that it happened in, after the already wounded Bardbarian was knocked off of a high tower to an uncertain fate, and I, knowing that he had cast only one spell in his entire time gaming with us, and that spell was feather fall, pointed out that he could cast the spell to save his life. The DM denied this, stating that feather fall can't be cast while falling, you have to cast it before you begin falling, and roll the fall damage. I continued to argue with him over this, and he said that since you can't cast spells while falling, and feather fall is a spell (and spells typically require complex hand gestures and time), no, you absolutely cannot cast feather fall to break your fall, roll the damage already.

    So I pulled it up on on my smartphone, zoomed in real close on the immediate action casting time and the specific clause that says you can cast it while you are already falling, and he gave me a death glare and said, "you know I hate when you use sources from the internet, and I don't trust them. I'd rather use the real sources that I have right here, on my computer."

    Of course, he had a physical copy of the Player's Handbook, 3.0 version, sitting on the chair next to him, so I immediately grabbed it, flipped to feather fall (page 203; I have a good memory for these types of things), pointed the free action casting time to him, and told him to show me the book on his computer that says otherwise... And he opened up the Spell Bible. Which, to his merit, absolutely did have a version of feather fall that was not an immediate action casting time... But it also required manifester levels, and probably wasn't official content (because the psionic equivalent is catfall).

    Cue heated argument, "you're a powergamer"/"undermining my authority", followed by my quitting before the next game.
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  17. - Top - End - #47
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    The shenanigans I've had to put up with don't reach the level of the OP by a long shot, but still there were quite a few... not so much "misunderstandings of the rules" as rather "not giving a damn about the rules".

    Note that all of the following were with the same DM. The campaign started out quite nice, but as we climbed in level the DM became overstrained by the increasing capabilities of our characters and got ever more railroady and restrictive. Eventually, he turned the campaign over to me, around level 11-ish.

    So what did we have...
    * A natural 1 in combat is automatically a critical fumble. You hit an adjacent ally. If no ally is adjacent to you, you drop your weapon. Sometimes he'd allow the ally a Ref save to avoid being hit.
    (I kept pointing out to him that this makes highlevel rangers more fumbly than lowlevel anythings, but he stuck to it until he actually saw it happen. Luckily I wasn't the one who played a Ranger.)

    * Crits are automatically confirmed.

    * Rangers cannot take Humans as Favoured Enemy. If anything, you'd have to take each subrace/culture separately (apparently Thayans' physiology is wildly different from Amnites' so you don't know where to strike)

    * Night watch: at some point, he started to have us roll Con checks to see if the character can stay awake through his two-hour shift.
    Also, it wasn't a regular D20-type check vs a DC, but "Roll Under", so a Con 16 character had a 20% chance to fall asleep.
    At one point he had the Elf fall asleep from such a check.

    * complete disregard for WBL.
    At one point, there was such a discrepancy that one character had passed the 100.000GP threshold in item worth, while another only had second-hand stuff the others didn't need anymore. That was around level 7 or so. At one point, he allowed each player to roll once on the magic item table to see what we found. One player got a >70.000GP Vestment of Faith, another got a lemon (rest was in between).

    * But that Vestment of Faith? Completely mistaken rule interpretation there. The DM and the player who got it were of the opinion that DR5/Evil meant it only protected against evil-aligned attacks. At first I didn't even notice, but after a couple of sessions I found it weird how they handle it. It was like "He hits you." - "Is he evil?" - "Nuh-uh." - "Damn." ^_^
    Let me give you a brief rundown of an average Post-3E Era fight: You attack an enemy and start kicking his shins. He then starts kicking your shins, then you take it in turns kicking until one of you falls over. It basically comes down to who started the battle with the biggest boot, and the only strategy involved is realizing when things have gone tits up and legging it.

  18. - Top - End - #48
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lonely Tylenol View Post
    Of course, he had a physical copy of the Player's Handbook, 3.0 version, sitting on the chair next to him, so I immediately grabbed it, flipped to feather fall (page 203; I have a good memory for these types of things), pointed the free action casting time to him, and told him to show me the book on his computer that says otherwise... And he opened up the Spell Bible. Which, to his merit, absolutely did have a version of feather fall that was not an immediate action casting time... But it also required manifester levels, and probably wasn't official content (because the psionic equivalent is catfall).
    This part is even more hilarious (in a horrid way) than the initial statement.
    Do I contradict myself?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaiyanwang View Post
    Great analysis KA. I second all things you said
    Quote Originally Posted by JoeYounger View Post
    Great analysis KA, I second everything you said here.
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu_Bonkosi View Post
    If I have a player using Paladin in the future I will direct them to this. Good job.
    Quote Originally Posted by grimbold View Post
    THIS is proof that KA is amazing
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    Killer Angel, you have an excellent taste in books
    Quote Originally Posted by Eldan View Post
    Historical zombies is a fantastic idea.

  19. - Top - End - #49
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    smile Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Is it a contest? Because I think I might actually win it with my "7th level commoner can cast epic spells" argument. Granted that wasn't in a game, so no one suffered from it (unlike some of your stories, which I regard as almost tragic).

    On the reverse side, for a "best rules interpretation ever" I had a DM for a star wars game give two of us "leviathans" to take down a Jedi stronghold (we were Sith). The beasts were apparently about colossal+ size and had a 60d10 breath weapon or something - he didn't provide stats. Needless to say, my strategy of "ride the thing around and have it blow them all to kingdom come" won us the battle quickly, although the other player had a the idea of getting off hers and fighting them in smaller groups, and so didn't get to controbute as much. We were level 3.

    Only much, much later did I realize he had just made the creatures up for rule of cool (which ruled his games). Man, we had fun in those games.

  20. - Top - End - #50
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lonely Tylenol View Post
    Feather fall takes a standard action to cast, and can't be cast while falling.

    Your move, internet.

    Feather Fall changes your weight to that of a small feather, meaning that any slight breeze or anyone nearby as much as breathes, it WILL fling you into a wall causing massive damage. Because feathers take damage from hitting walls...
    This rule made Feather Fall one of the deadliest spells in the game.

    Luckily, I used it on a BBEG once
    Quote Originally Posted by Incorrect View Post
    If you consider the RP aspect, you might want to consider alternatives to Tortle Str Ranger.
    I mean, why would the rest of the party trust this Tortal StRanger...

  21. - Top - End - #51
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelb_Panthera View Post
    You poor poor man. I'm so sorry for the injury done to you by that foul heathen. (the messed up part here is that I'm not sure if I'm joking or not, or whether or not I should be.)

    I'm not familiar with Medani Prophet, but I'm always interested in divinatory classes. Source please?
    oh, it's a great class. it's from dragonmarked
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    Quote Originally Posted by weckar View Post
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelb_Panthera View Post
    I'm not familiar with Medani Prophet, but I'm always interested in divinatory classes. Source please?
    The Medani Prophet is a great class, I've played it a couple of times and about to play a third. It's a 5 level full-divine-casting class, you need to be a Dragonmarked member of House Medani (Eberron specific, the Dragonmarked book), and the basic gimmick is that you have full-on hallucinations about things that happened either in the recent past or the near future (complete with a will save or be paralysed for the duration). It lets the DM have fun with throwing misleading and confusing visions at you, though obviously requires lots of planning on the DM's part to be useful.

    I always thought my first DM was the epitome of nonsense interpretations, but all of this makes him look sensible *shudder*. He was a horrendous railroader and would deus-ex-machina his way out of encounters that weren't balanced (frequently), but at least I got to have fun with using two gunpowder pistols that I could reload without actually putting either of them down...
    DM: You exit the temple. Cleric, roll a knowledge(religion) check...
    Cleric: *passes* "Ah yes, now I recognise it, it was a temple to the god of traps!"
    Thief: *punches Cleric*

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  23. - Top - End - #53
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    I don't think this counts as a "worst," but maybe it gets points for being so common. I've played with people who misread the magic weapons and armor creation rules such that you could stack +1 equivalent enchantments on them for 2000 gp each.
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  24. - Top - End - #54
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by kardar233 View Post
    I'd just smile, nod and play a gish. Go Incantatrix/Spelldancer to stack ALL the stat/AC/damage boosters.
    Haha, I was thinking something like that.

    You can totally break the game. Not that you should do that :P
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    Quote Originally Posted by KillianHawkeye View Post
    As a DM, I deal with character death by cheering and giving a fist pump, or maybe a V-for-victory sign. I would also pat myself on the back, but I can't really reach around like that.
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by prufock View Post
    I don't think this counts as a "worst," but maybe it gets points for being so common. I've played with people who misread the magic weapons and armor creation rules such that you could stack +1 equivalent enchantments on them for 2000 gp each.
    This was another arguement early on as well. As far as i could tell, someone had a +9 on a dagger with a burst effect and they added their str to the burst but i just shut my mouth about it.
    I left pretty calm actually. Valdor is right, i can be a short fuse for sure but this time i got up, calmly and said i was leaving due to game rulings being something i wasnt prepared for.
    Hell, i even took a page out of valdors book and told them my pc would not be following their weird standard attack ruling.

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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Not so much an interpretation of the rules more the description of the campaign...

    The DM told us we would start as low-lifes (commoners) and would earn our first PC-level. Well guess as what we started? Level 2 PC-classes. Was quite odd but well...

    Weapon enhancements were an everytime confusion for our old group. Basically I think it was a houserule but you could start your magic weapon with a +1 special ability. Means a Flaming Longsword dealt 1d8+1d6 dmg.

    Again not so much rules but in the first campaign I played in the DM gave a +2 Flaming Shock Greatsword to the Archery-Fighter...
    Have a nice Day,

  27. - Top - End - #57
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    I'm going to transcribe a series of reactions I had to a portion of this thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lonely Tylenol View Post
    Feather fall takes a standard action to cast, and can't be cast while falling.

    Your move, internet.
    Good ga...

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Gareth View Post
    I was there when SKR explained "how Flurry of Blows actually works in Pathfinder."

    Your move, Tylenol. The Internet Has Spoken.
    ... well, that's checkmate. Just don't post it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lonely Tylenol View Post
    LONELY TYLENOL is confused!

    It hurt itself in its confusion!
    Oh god you're going to make him post it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Gareth View Post
    There you go. The original post in all of its glory. Here's the link.
    oh sweet hieroneous whyyyyyyyy
    Quote Originally Posted by KKL
    D&D is its own momentum and does its own fantasy. It emulates itself in an incestuous mess.

  28. - Top - End - #58
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Firechanter View Post
    * Rangers cannot take Humans as Favoured Enemy. If anything, you'd have to take each subrace/culture separately (apparently Thayans' physiology is wildly different from Amnites' so you don't know where to strike)
    That reminds me of a bit of the actual rules that always struck me as humorously bizarre: Every single humanoid race is its own Favored Enemy type, but "Aberrations" are all one type. Apparently, humans and elves have less in common than beholders and flumphs.
    Imagine if all real-world conversations were like internet D&D conversations...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelb_Panthera View Post
    That said, trolling is entirely counterproductive (yes, even when it's hilarious).

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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Arbane View Post
    That reminds me of a bit of the actual rules that always struck me as humorously bizarre: Every single humanoid race is its own Favored Enemy type, but "Aberrations" are all one type. Apparently, humans and elves have less in common than beholders and flumphs.
    if you think about it, that might actually be true.

    hear me out here. I can totally imagine someone mapping out the endocrine system of a human and a lizarfolk and saying "they are different in ways xyz. when fighting a lizardfolk, his pressure points are 6 inches lower because his tail gives him a different center of gravity. they have several fighting styles involving the use of the tail like humans have boxing for fists and muay thai for other body parts, here are the differences, there's a large artery in the tail, but don't go for it, lizardfolk can drop it off and grow a new one, there'll be no blood loss.

    this is different from humans who (talks about real martial arts: escrima, capoeria, kung fu, etc)

    but I absolutely dare you to tell me that someone can go "here's where a beholder's vital organs are" because the designers obviously didn't care enough to think that through. even though, say, humans and pigs look different on the outside, their organs are in the same places, so if you know how to shank a guy in the kidney, you can do the same to a pig. (and those are different types)

    but is there any outward commonality at all between say a beholder and a flumph? no. why would there be inward commonality?

    because nothing=nothing.

    can you see anyone ever drawing out a vascular system for flumphs? no, of course not.

    ergo, they're just pinatas full of gold, like all abberations are. and that's why you don't need a different favored enemy for them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by weckar View Post
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    Default Re: Worst interpretation of the rules ever?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sugashane View Post
    If I DM and someone tries the crap about getting a standard action per attack being able to be used, I will have a monk 12/wizard 20 walk in, stare at the PC, and flurry of blows 5 spells at him, or better yet, time stop and delay fireball the hell out of him. Seriously, I'll describe it as this.

    Me- "Remember Final Fantasy II?"
    PC-"Yeah, why?"
    Me- "The old man that stares at you disappears from your view, as does everything else."
    PC- "What?!"
    Me- You're dead, he basically cast 8 Meteos, 2 Nukes, and called Bahamut and Jinn all at the same time. An imp walks up an poops on your charred body. Golbez was the loved child, your father hated you, Rosa was cheating on you....with Kain...and Cid."
    I'm sorry to disrupt the topic, but that would really be Final Fantasy 4, they just labelled it as Final Fantasy 2 on Super Nintendo outside of Japan because they hadn't released the others. I realize it doesn't matter, but I'm a FF nerd.
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