Hey, just got the board game (I found it at my local Comic Store, woot!), and my whole family LOVES it!

I wanted to pass on some suggestions for expansions/booster pack type addons that we're doing as a sort of "house rules" to spice it up. I would be psyched if these became an "official" add-on/expansion pack for the game (at least some of them) because they'd be a lot better looking than my cut out paper right now. =) So Rich, if you're listening, I'd not only approve of you using these ideas in the future if you thought they were worthy, I'd jump with glee =)

1) "Board Events". I made basically a straight row of panels on a piece of paper, with a token on it. Each panel on the paper has a different board-wide event that takes place (such as "all attacks get +1" [Called "Feeling a bit agressive, aren't we?"] or "Any outcome that would end in a draw results in a wound against the attacker" [called "Hey, who put the lights out?"], or "movement is reduced by 1" [called "It's rather sticky in here"]). The token starts at the first panel, which has no event.

You then roll an X sided dice (12, in our case) every time each player has had their turn. (Sadly, this means that the new event always starts on one specific player's turn... I couldn't think of a way around this while keeping the event fairly constant), moving the token how ever many spaces the die roll was (wrapping around to the beginning of the panels as needed). Every player's turn until it comes back around to that first player will have whatever the event is applied to their actions, overruling the text on any cards or what-have-you.

We found that this one spiced it up pretty well. Some were very beneficial for the players, while others were painfully punishing.

2) K'fetches (going with the Yiddish-like theme of having Schticks). These would be like new loot cards, except they can be applied directly to another players' schtick (or your own if you really wanted, or to a creature). The K'fetch would do something, such as give that specific schtick negative statistics (-2 to attack or what not), or completely change what the schtick does (for example, change victory condition from "Lose 1 wound" to "battle is a draw")

These were a bit more awkward in actual use, but I figure someone can tweak with the idea a bit. Perhaps if it wasn't a loot card but an entirely new type of card it'd be better off.

I was also thinking with this one, that it could have some advantage too. Perhaps a K'fetch could be played at "instant speed" (that is, it could modify a Schtick even after it had been chosen to be used, thus forcing the negative effect to happen at least once), but as a benefit if the player successfully wins a battle using a Schtick that has a K'fetch on it, they would get some bonus mentioned on the card (such as "if you win in battle, immediately draw a loot card" or "if you win in battle, immediately gain one lifepoint" or something like that). I never implemented that latter part though, so it's just a thought.

I hope this can be of use to someone! =)