So I'm making a Hunter with a Relic & wanted to make sure my math & thematics were right

Watch of My Fathers' - An old brass & bronze wristwatch with a cracked, blue sapphire lens & odd markings instead of numerals on it's face

My Hunter will come from a line of Hunters, the watch is inherited passing from father to son. The watch grants the wielder generations of knowledge & skill with weapons, but it comes at a steep price, every wielder's soul is denied to heaven & instead stays in the watch, an eternal Vigil to assist the next generation. I like the idea of it being a watch because of the wordplay. A Watch as in the action & a watch being a common thing to pass from father to son.
It has Confer Equipment Bonus 5 (Weapons)
& Soul Inheritance 5 (Mental Skills)

The Soul Inheritance gives me the derangement Vocalization, which I would describe as my Hunter talking in the voices of his forefathers'
I am also taking Danger Magnet (2) & Ritual (3) to offset the price of the Relic, the Ritual would be winding it twice a day & speaking a mantra or oath that my family line has sworn.

"I am a Watchmen, like my father before me. My Vigil is constant, & will not cease even with my dying breath. One man, forfeit, for mankind"

What do you guys think? I was thinking of pairing this with a Compact/Conspiracy "The Watchmen" who have similar watches. I feel like the Ritual needs more to be a three dot discount. The oath needs some work INHO, but I'd like some help critiquing it