Hi all, I have been working on new pathfinder rules for duels involving vehicles, I wanted to have them work equally well for cars as for a carriage race. I have been working on a modern version of pathfinder I could use for a sci fi or post apocalypse setting. I will be posting homebrew rules as I write them out. No promises as to time frame but I am looking for improved rules for modern firearms and automatic weapons, dogfights, vehicle building rules, and cinematic computer hacking a la tron or the matrix. Some of these are in the half baked stage so I am looking for some help or inspiration.

Anyways here goes my take on car chases:

These rules are designed to simulate a 2d chase between two vehicles. For foot or mounted pursuit, use the pathfinder chase cards rule. For flying scenes in 3d use the dogfighting rules.

Overview: a chase is a race or pursuit between two vehicles of similar top speeds. For matches between vehicles of very different top speeds, ignore the chase rules and stick to initiative based combat. As the vehicles have similar top speeds, The distances will be switched to generic distance points. The purpose of this it to create a chase where the rules can apply equally to a chariot race, or two rocket cars. Cars will chose a speed of 0-10 each turn where 0 is stopped and 10 is pedal to the metal. Each round, they will advance along the track by this much. Comparison of these distances is used for ranged attack distances.

Chases are divided up into two phases - either dueling phases, or obstacles. Obstacles are either laid out at distances chosen by the gm. When a vehicle reaches an obstacle the card is flipped showing what it is. Perception checks may be used to see it early. An obstacle will follow chase card rules, including stopping the vehicle if the check is failed. This can result in collision damage.

The second phase of the car chase, and far more frequent are dueling rounds, where each driver declares a move action, the occupants trade attacks and spells, and then the driver may select a maneuver depending on speeds and distances.

These chase scenes last until either side voluntarily abandons the scene, either car becomes immobile

Stress points - car chases are incredibly stressful for the drivers who find themselves constantly looking this way and that for obstacles, dodging gunfire, and pushing his vehicle to its limits, all with shouting passengers around him. A failure could doom every occupant of the vehicle. Drivers have a pool of stress points that represent their driving ability. He begins a car chase with points equal to his class level plus the average of his CON, Dex, and Wisdom. As a free action he may sacrifice class abilities to give himself extra points. Grit, Ki, and similar are traded on a 1 for one basis. Spells may be burned to grant one point per spell level. A stress point may be used any time to immediately add 5 to a check.

Duel rules:

Movement: the one behind in the race declares their movement type first: Depending on the choices of both drivers, these maneuvers may automatically succeed or be opposed or contested. Autosucceed generally means both combatants are moving in a way that gives them both what they want: Ie both stabilize to line up shots, or one both drivers accelerate and decelerate with mutual intent to lengthen or shorten the gap.

If the maneuvers auto succeed they both work - really breaching new ground here.

If the maneuvers are contested, both drivers independently roll driving checks to see if they get the movement they want. Both could succeed or fail.

Opposed rolls - both roll against each other to see who rolls the highest. The winner gets what they want, the loser fails and may even have to roll a hazard check.

Stabilize for firing: The driver chooses to drive as smoothly as possible, lining up easy shots for his occupants. Success means combatants do not take a penalty this round for firing from a moving vehicle though distance still matters. Spell casters do not need to roll concentration checks this round. If both drivers are lining up shots this auto succeeds. Best hope your sides got the biggest log. If your opponent takes evasive action, this is opposed as one side tries to tail the other and avoid potholes and other small bumps. It is challenged by all others.

Evasive action: See the above, this is the opposite, how about that. Your driver swerves, and weaves around small obstacles to try and break the other vehicle's line of fire. If this succeeds double the penalties your opponent takes firing from a moving vehicle. If both drivers are trying to evade, this auto succeeds. If one is stabilizing and the other is evading, it is opposed. IN all other cases it is contested.

Accelerate - give your mount a carrot or depress the accelerator, its time to clear some more ground - this is opposed by another accelerate as this is an attempt to overtake the other driver. It auto succeeds, if the other driver attempts to decelerate. All others are conflicted. '

Decelerate - see above? It’s the opposite.

Charge - throw the pedal to the metal and watch the engine rev, or smack your mount like a red headed stepchild. Its time to take some risks. Spend a stress point to go up 2 on the speed track. Spending more stress points can bump speed by 1 one on a 1 for one basis. See accelerate for relations to other moves

Brake - Opposite of above. Carries added risk of slamming around your passengers. Each passenger not secured to their seat must make a dc 10 + 2/ speed loss ref save or be thrown against the seat in front of them. Take 1d6 dam / speed lost

After the drivers declare moves, move the cars to their new positions to find your distances for the next phase

Trading lead:

After the movement phase its time for everyone to start shooting. Vehicle combat is extremely chaotic without much time for complex strategies. All combatants write their actions on a piece of paper and flip at the same time. All free and swift actions go first simultaneously. At this point anyone who has declared a full attack action goes. Move actions go next, then attack and standard actions. Anything taking a full round action goes last.

When firing keep in mind the rules for shooting from a vehicle, distracted casting, and firing positions.

Manuever round: Still alive? Great! Now its time for drivers to finish their turns. Each driver may follow up the turn with a maneuver or countermaneuver. Drivers make opposed drive checks. Winner gets to pick their maneuver first. Maneuvers are the most stressful part of driving and these are the phases where the drivers find themselves tested

Cast spell/ shoot - driver may fire a one handed weapon or cast a spell while distracted. This requires no extra stress.

Hard Turn - whether drifting , leaning the carriage, or dropping the anchor off one side of the ship, you are attempting to turn faster than your opponent can prepare for. Make a drive check dc 15 + 2/speed. Whether successful or not, drop speed by 1. you are now facing a new heading. The opposing driver must make a check equal to or greater than yours or lose distance equal to 1/3 points by which the dc is beaten. If the opponent fails by 15 or more, it causes a hazard.

Ram - if you are behind the target, this is a ram, if ahead, this is a brake check. Make an opposed drive check. The target gets a bonus +2 for every distance they are from their opponent. It also causes one stress for each extra distance. If the attacker wins by 5 or more, double the damage. Roll 1d6/ speed the cars are going. Add size and equipment mods. All passengers in the target care must roll a reflex save or take half the damage the vehicle did. Both cars will be moving the same speed at the end of the ram. The defending check must make a driving check dc 15 +2/ speed to avoid a hazard.

Deploy countermeasures - see rule for the countermeasures.

Boarding action - Similar to a ram. Drive your car alongside and match speeds to allow your passengers to climb on to the enemy vehicle. This requires an opposed driving check. If successful, occupants of the maneuvering vehicle may make an immediate climb check to board the enemy vehicle with no distance or speed penalties.

Nitro - activate your oxide tank or similar effect to immediately close distance. Make a drive check dc 15 + 5 for every space you intend to cover with this. Failure means a hazard roll. One stress per space.

Periscope - take a look through the periscope to gain a +5 bonus to see upcoming hazard.

Activate magic effect - see magic item effect.