I posted the rules in the forum game section also but I think maybe I was supposed to post here and see if a get a better response and I don't know if I was supposed to post in the other forum till it was read..

This is the game

3x3 sectors, 5x5 boards, 15x15 squares

1. You're a tank (3 health)(3 action moves)
A. Pick what square in the sector you start in. Sectors 1-9

2. Fire facing foward
A. You can only fire into sections in your front facing direction
a. You can fire into any square of a sector in front of your tank.
b. If you shoot but the round doesn't hit another tank but lands within 1 square. The attacker will be notified they came within 1 square. But not the exact location.

1. First select a specialist class(see specialist)

2. Select what square you would like to begin in.
A. Make sure you chose the direction you wanna face also.

3. On your turn you have 3 actions you can preform (move,fire,reload)
A. Moving your tank 90° requires 1 action point.

4. When submitting your tanks command during your turn phase you have to input what your doing like this. (Firing, reloading,moving), (moving, moving, moving), (fire, reload, fire) in thread (see thread rules)
A. When inputting a location to fire on refer to the letters first then number located on the sides of the board.

Thread participation

I'll be monitoring the game much like a dungeon master but I have little to do with actions of the game. I make sure everyone plays fair and the game runs smooth.

Specialist. Every time a kill is achieve the player gains a stat point that will be applied to their specialist allowing them to level up.

Lvl1:+1 health
Lvl2:+1 health
Lvl3:use 1 action point to repair tank

Lvl1:+1 ammo
Lvl2:+1 ammo
Lvl3 reloading doesn't require action point

Lvl1:+1 movement
Lvl2:+1 movement
Lvl3: move in single direction as far as you want.

Intel officer
Lvl: Intel on cardinal direction of shot
Lvl2: intel on section shot came from
Lvl3: intel on exact location of shoot

Anything can be change please ask questions. Each player (or team) is required to keep track in there own way there position on there on board the design or create themselve. The thank meister will tell you the position of obstacles around your tank as you move because you don't know where you're going with the fog of War so you have to keep track of the terrain yourself.