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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R2T18: Visto stumbles forward, feeling someone south of him (Ozzy?) and continues stumbling around in the dark, tracing his hand along the wall until Ginny caws at him so she isn't stepped on he then stumbles south himself, and there is also this frenetic activity around a major arc, telling him that he must be at the sight site of the battle, which he cannot see .... because it is pitch black. As described so, so many times previously. But now that he is at the scene of battle itself, and the stress is such that his storm veil's energy kicks off, but as he can't see anyone, his thoughts to give them the balm of a soothing rain are on hold.

    End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

    The middle-aged man simply disappears from view (of those that could see him).

    R3T22: Ozzy (and Ginny), what do you do?

    Apophis on deck, Eric in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker
    Soothing Rain!
    Ozlech: 22. Rage song: no.
    * Ginny (22).
    Apophis: 21. Rage song: yes.
    Eric: 20. Rage song: no.
    Balston Ungles (Thug): 20.
    Garsphiel Elstrice (Greenscout): 19.
    Rodriguez: 19. Raging Song! Waterskin of alcohol in hand, and nothing else. He gains FH2 while raging. Shield til R32T19.
    Brandy Nurrus (Thief): 18.
    Visto: 18. Rage song: no.
    Knuckles (thief): 15.
    Rasper Ellias (thief): 14.
    Badeye Rumblefist: 3.
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R3T22: Seeing the man disappear, Ozlech cries out, "He either teleported away or turned invisible! Watch out!"

    After seeing Visto blindly stumble past and hearing Ginny's mental message, Ozlech touches upon the aura sitting on his shoulders manifested as a whip of light and has it readapt into a sash of light about his waist. Suddenly light spills from Ozlech's eyes, lighting up the space before him as he looks warily for the man, but seeing no sign of him. Meanwhile, Ginny hops around defensively.

    R3T21: Apophis turns to look at Rod, gritting angrily, "If I had shoulders, I would shrug."

    R3T20: Eric, what do you do?

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Ozlech: 22. Rage song: no.
    * Ginny (22).
    Apophis: 21. Rage song: yes.
    Eric: 20. Rage song: no.
    Balston Ungles (Thug): 20.
    Garsphiel Elstrice (Greenscout): 19.
    Rodriguez: 19. Raging Song! Waterskin of alcohol in hand, and nothing else. He gains FH2 while raging. Shield til R32T19.
    Brandy Nurrus (Thief): 18.
    Visto: 18. Rage song: no.
    Knuckles (thief): 15.
    Rasper Ellias (thief): 14.
    Father Padrick. 12.
    Badeye Rumblefist: 3.
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2021-03-18 at 10:31 PM.
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R3T20: Seemingly getting some more colors back, Eric gets ready attempts a new strike, before realizing that his claimed opponent is not in the same room with them anymore. His claim has already left him, but before it did, Eric moves as close as possible to where the feeling of the claim led him ..... to the southwest corner of the room ...
    Spoiler: Eric
    before realizing that the man had teleported outside and to the ground just outside the belltower.
    Eric calls out as loud as he can, just in case the man is still there to hear, "So, you're calling backup now?"

    R3T20: A tough-looking guy comes around the corner that Rod can see.

    R3T19: Rod, what do you do? Eric just crossed the room and shouted to the outer wall and down a little, and it seems somebody else is joining the party.

    Visto on deck ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Ozlech: 22. Rage song: no.
    * Ginny (22).
    Apophis: 21. Rage song: yes.
    Eric: 20. Rage song: no.
    Balston Ungles (Thug): 20.
    Garsphiel Elstrice (Greenscout): 19.5
    Rodriguez: 19. Raging Song! Waterskin of alcohol in hand, and nothing else. He gains FH2 while raging. Shield til R32T19.
    Brandy Nurrus (Thief): 18.
    Visto: 18. Rage song: no.
    Knuckles (thief): 15.
    Rasper Ellias (thief): 14.
    Father Padrick. 12.
    Badeye Rumblefist: 3.
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R3T19: “The coward's fleeing! Visto, can you follow him? Apophis, help me with this one in the hall!” Continuing his chant (FH2), Rodriguez will move down the hall towards the new combatant and pulls him to the ground with his weapon.

    R3T18: Someone crosses past the guy that just fell to close twoards Rod, trying to avoid the skald's AOO, but Rod still chops him in the left arm for 15, enough to drop him in a single hit.

    R3T17: Visto, what do you do?

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Ozlech: 22. Rage song: no.
    * Ginny (22).
    Apophis: 21. Rage song: yes.
    Eric: 20. Rage song: no.
    Balston Ungles (Thug): 20.
    Garsphiel Elstrice (Greenscout): 19.5
    Rodriguez: 19. Raging Song! Waterskin of alcohol in hand, and nothing else. He gains FH2 while raging. Shield til R32T19.
    Brandy Nurrus (Thief): 18. (-3:12). DYING!!!
    Visto: 18. Rage song: no.
    Knuckles (thief): 15.
    Rasper Ellias (thief): 14.
    Father Padrick. 12.
    Badeye Rumblefist: 3.
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R3T17: Visto listens to his comrade. He tries to find the fleeing foe, and follow after him. He knows Eric has a short-term connection to some of his opponents and Eric seemed to be drawn to the outer wall. The belltower above is not open to the air, though, or else Visto would have seen a little more light from outside when he was up there, meaning he has to take the long way, and it is too crowded in here to do it with flying. He heads out to the hallway where it is now still dark, hearing a ruckus in the hallway he feels for the door or doorway of that first area to the south to manage to find it and feel the air of the doorway. He goes through, stumbling around until he gets to the open window he can see the outer world from. Once he gets out of this building next round, it will be dark, but at least faint light pollution and stars will work with his low-light vision to not be entirely blind.

    R3T15: Rod sees the first thief they downed..... the one that was tied up, wriggle out of his ropes and stand.

    R3T3: A burly half-orc comes around the corner to step over the thug who was tripped and then to stand over the ruffian who was dropped, and is now standing face-to-face with Rod. This guy wears leather armor and wields a morning star.

    End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

    Ozzy, what do you do? Do you have Ginny do anything?

    Apophis in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Ozlech: 22. Rage song: no.
    * Ginny (22).
    Apophis: 21. Rage song: yes.
    Eric: 20. Rage song: no.
    Balston Ungles (Thug): 20.
    Garsphiel Elstrice (Greenscout): 19.5
    Rodriguez: 19. Raging Song! Waterskin of alcohol in hand, and nothing else. He gains FH2 while raging. Shield til R32T19.
    Brandy Nurrus (Thief): 18. (-3:12). DYING!!!
    Visto: 18. Rage song: no.
    Knuckles (thief): 15. (3:12).
    Rasper Ellias (thief): 14.
    Father Padrick. 12.
    Badeye Rumblefist: 3.
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

  6. - Top - End - #36
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    Spoiler: Ozzy >>> Ginny
    "Sounds like the party is out in the hall. You go first and I will light the way after."
    After Ginny goes, Ozlech will go out into the hallway, orienting his light towards the sound of conflict. Should he see an enemy fighting an ally, he will launch his force darts at them, aiming to be non-lethal, but they both miss as there are too many bodies in the way.

    R4T21: Apophis gnashes his teeth and delays as a glance out there tells him there is nowhere for him to go.

    R4T20: Eric, the hallway is full, as you can tell from Apophis' obvious sense of (enraged) frustration. This means you likely have nowhere to go, either. What do you do?

    NPCs on deck and in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Ozlech: 22. Rage song: no.
    * Ginny (22).
    Apophis: 21. Rage song: yes. DELAYING!!!
    Eric: 20. Rage song: no.
    Balston Ungles (Thug): 20.
    Garsphiel Elstrice (Greenscout): 19.5
    Rodriguez: 19. Raging Song! Waterskin of alcohol in hand, and nothing else. He gains FH2 while raging. Shield til R32T19.
    Brandy Nurrus (Thief): 18. (-3:12). DYING!!!
    Visto: 18. Rage song: no.
    Knuckles (thief): 15. (3:12).
    Rasper Ellias (thief): 14.
    Father Padrick. 12.
    Badeye Rumblefist: 3.
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

  7. - Top - End - #37
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R4T20: Eric gets ready to act as soon as things change, not planning to force people in a stack.

    R4T19.8: The man Rod tripped gets to his feet and starts shouting, "Father Padrick! Father Padrick! Come quick! Thugs!" but then in a much lower voice that only the people in the hallway can hear, he cheers on the half-orc squared off against Rod, "Get him, Badeye!"

    R4T19: Rod, do you continue your song? What do you do?

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Ozlech: 22. Rage song: no.
    * Ginny (22).
    Apophis: 21. Rage song: yes. DELAYING!!!
    Eric: 20. Rage song: no. DELAYING!!!
    Balston Ungles (Thug): 19.8.
    Garsphiel Elstrice (Greenscout): 19.5
    Rodriguez: 19. Raging Song! Waterskin of alcohol in hand, and nothing else. He gains FH2 while raging. Shield til R32T19.
    Brandy Nurrus (Thief): 18. (-3:12). DYING!!!
    Visto: 18. Rage song: no.
    Knuckles (thief): 15. (3:12).
    Rasper Ellias (thief): 14.
    Father Padrick. 12.
    Badeye Rumblefist: 3.
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

  8. - Top - End - #38
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R4T19: Rodriguez (FH2) continues the song as he calls back to the others, ”I’ll try and make room. There’s a hell of a lot of em’, though!” He then focuses on a spell, and the half-orc's morningstar barely skips along Rod's shield spell. The spell formed, Rod releases a violent shout to send shards of sound into the hallway. Everyone in that line takes 5 sonic. This is enough to drop the guy the group first beat and had tied up. Rod then moves back to give his comrades more room. The half-orc hadn't recovered his swing from the spellcasting to attack Rod on his retreat as well.

    R4T18: Visto continues his trek outside, even going around the back to where it seems like the disappearing man had gone based on Eric's direction of looking the last time Visto saw him. Visto, flying 15' off the ground, doesn't see anything.

    R4T14: A twitchy fellow comes around the corner and moves past his allies to then stab Ginny for 8 with a rapier. He also has a dagger in his hand.

    R4T3: "Dammit, Rasper!" yells the half-orc to the fellow that just passed him to stab the raven. "I had 'em!"

    The half-orc looks at Ozlech and growls menacingly. Ozlech can't stulp the gulp from his throat that just happened (he is shaken).

    End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

    Ozlech, you are flush with fear should you tangle with the half-orc you are pretty sure is Badeye Rumblefist, and the one that just stabbed Ginny is his pal, Rasper Ellias. They have a reputation for being pretty tough, especially Badeye. What do you do? What do you have Ginny do?

    Brave Defenders of Their Home on deck and in the hole, Apophis and Eric are delaying ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Ozlech: 22. Rage song: no. SHAKEN til R6T3!!!
    * Ginny (22).
    Apophis: 21. Rage song: yes. DELAYING!!!
    Eric: 20. Rage song: no. DELAYING!!!
    Balston Ungles (Thug): 19.8. (4:9).
    Garsphiel Elstrice (Greenscout): 19.5
    Rodriguez: 19. Raging Song! Waterskin of alcohol in hand, and nothing else. He gains FH2 while raging. Shield til R32T19.
    Visto: 18. Rage song: no.
    Rasper Ellias (thief): 14.
    Father Padrick. 12.
    Badeye Rumblefist: 3. AOO used.

    Brandy Nurrus (Thief): 18. (-2:12). STABLE!!!
    Knuckles (thief): 15. (-2:12). STABLE!!
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

  9. - Top - End - #39
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    Spoiler: Ozzy>>>Ginny
    ”Strike the Hourglass and step through that doorway!”
    Again choosing to let Ginny go first, Ginny pecks threateningly at Rasper before stepping to the south. Ozzy then grins nervously at the empty hallway and fires off a pair of force darts at the man who stabbed Ginny (doing a total of 9 force) before ducking through the door behind Ginny as she covers his movement.
    R5T21: Apophis steps outside into the hallway, and climbs up into the rafters out of sight.

    R5T20: Eric, you were delaying, and things seem to have changed. No ally is in the hallway at floor level. What do you do?

    Enemies on deck and in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Ozlech: 22. Rage song: no. SHAKEN til R6T3!!!
    * Ginny (22).
    Apophis: 21. Rage song: yes.
    Eric: 20. Rage song: no.
    Balston Ungles (Thug): 19.8. (4:9).
    Garsphiel Elstrice (Greenscout): 19.5
    Rodriguez: 19. Raging Song! Waterskin of alcohol in hand, and nothing else. He gains FH2 while raging. Shield til R32T19.
    Visto: 18. Rage song: no.
    Rasper Ellias (thief): 14. (3:12).
    Father Padrick. 12.
    Badeye Rumblefist: 3. AOO used.

    Brandy Nurrus (Thief): 18. (-2:12). STABLE!!!
    Knuckles (thief): 15. (-2:12). STABLE!!
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

  10. - Top - End - #40
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R5T20: Not really in a position to advance without hindering anyone, Eric keeps waiting for an occasion.

    R5T19.8-.5: Stuff happens in hallway that heroes can't see. But a voice, thin and reedy calls out, "It's alright! Knuckles is stable."

    R5T19: Rodriguez, do you continue your song? What do you do?

    Visto on deck, Rasper in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Ozlech: 22. Rage song: no. SHAKEN til R6T3!!!
    * Ginny (22).
    Apophis: 21. Rage song: yes.
    Eric: 20. Rage song: no. DELAYING!!!
    Balston Ungles (Thug): 19.8. (4:9).
    Garsphiel Elstrice (Greenscout): 19.5
    Rodriguez: 19. Raging Song! Waterskin of alcohol in hand, and nothing else. He gains FH2 while raging. Shield til R32T19.
    Visto: 18. Rage song: no.
    Rasper Ellias (thief): 14. (3:12).
    Father Padrick. 12.
    Badeye Rumblefist: 3. AOO used.

    Brandy Nurrus (Thief): 18. (-2:12). STABLE!!!
    Knuckles (thief): 15. (-2:12). STABLE!!
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

  11. - Top - End - #41
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R5T19: Continuing his song (FH2), Rodriguez will take a deep swig from his water skin and ready himself for enemies to enter the room.”Pounce now, Apophis!”

    R5T18: Visto begins to slowly circle around the building, looking for any signs of the hostile that had fled outside, but doesn't see him yet.

    R5T14: Rasper, badly wounded, withdraws.

    R5T12: An older man, bald-pated in poor robes comes hustling around the corner, looking at all of the brave defenders as he goes by. "Stop fighting! Stop fighting, all of you! What is going on here in this holy mission?"

    R5T3: Badeye Rumblefist, the half-orc is passed by the old man. "These people broke in, dropped two of my friends, wounded Rasper, heck, another boarder here called away and we don't see him!"

    End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

    Ozzy, you are still shaken from Badeye's stinkeye previously. What do you do? The old man actually stopped in a sliver of hallway you can see from your vantage. What do you have Ginny do?

    Apophis on deck, Balston in the hole, Eric delaying (and being in delay, it is up to you to come out of it) ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Ozlech: 22. Rage song: no. SHAKEN til R6T3!!!
    * Ginny (22).
    Apophis: 21. Rage song: yes.
    Eric: 20. Rage song: no. DELAYING!!!
    Balston Ungles (Thug): 19.8. (4:9).
    Garsphiel Elstrice (Greenscout): 19.5
    Rodriguez: 19. Raging Song! Waterskin of alcohol in hand, and nothing else. He gains FH2 while raging. READIED to trip an enemy that gets w/in reach!!!
    * Shield til R32T19.
    Visto: 18. Rage song: no.
    Rasper Ellias (thief): 14. (3:12).
    Father Padrick. 12.
    Badeye Rumblefist: 3. AOO used.

    Brandy Nurrus (Thief): 18. (-2:12). STABLE!!!
    Knuckles (thief): 15. (-2:12). STABLE!!
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

  12. - Top - End - #42
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R6T22: "D-don't believe their lies Father!" Ozlech says from the room, still shaken by that half-orc's glare, "We've been defending ourselves! Ambushed as we were at the top of the stairs!"
    Spoiler: Ozzy >>> Ginny
    "Don't attack."
    Ginny doesn't attack, but she does move over to the far side of the room to make it easier for Ozzy to move out some if he wants (next round).

    R6T21: Apophis, loyal eidolon, has his orders ... can't see Rod to verify ... and responds as his single-digit INT-less-than-a-dumb-human allows. The old father happens to look up to notice the creepy satan-serpent above him, but he isn't old enough to react quickly. Apophis bends down to bite the old man in the right shoulder for 8, holding the old man fast.

    Father Padrick screams in pain.

    R19.5: Someone steps up from the stairs, standing over the fallen "first thug" (Knuckles) and shoots at Apophis with a longbow, hitting him for 3. "Father Padrick's being attacked!"

    R19T19: Rod, Roll a Fort save vs. DC 11. Regardless, you didn't see any of what just happend (above) since you are well into the belltower room. But you heard a decidedly old man try to stop the fight, Ozzy begin talking, the old man cry out in pain, and then someone call out that Father Padrick was being attacked. What do you do?

    Visto, you DO hear that Father Padrick is being attacked. You are on deck ...
    Eric, you are delaying, but it might be a good time to end that ....

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Ozlech: 22. Rage song: no. SHAKEN til R6T3!!!
    * Ginny (22).
    Apophis: 21. Rage song: yes. Grabbing Father Padrick!!!
    Eric: 20. Rage song: no. DELAYING!!!
    Balston Ungles (Thug): 19.8. (4:9).
    Garsphiel Elstrice (Greenscout): 19.5
    Rodriguez: 19. Raging Song! Waterskin of alcohol in hand, and nothing else. He gains FH2 while raging. READIED to trip an enemy that gets w/in reach!!!
    * Shield til R32T19.
    Visto: 18. Rage song: no.
    Rasper Ellias (thief): 14. (3:12).
    Father Padrick. 12. (8:16 GRABBED by Apophis!!!
    Badeye Rumblefist: 3. AOO used.

    Brandy Nurrus (Thief): 18. (-2:12). STABLE!!!
    Knuckles (thief): 15. (-2:12). STABLE!!
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

  13. - Top - End - #43
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R19T19: Rodriguez will immediately cease his chant and shout out into the hallway with the tone of a parent disappointed with his child. ”Apophis, stand down now!”

    He rushes out into the hallway, and seeing the father he says.”Forgive him, father, he believed you were here to harm us. He knows no better. We have a healer who can see to your wounds. These men try to deceive you. We were only here to bring a man to his estranged daughter, but if we hadn’t come armed, these men would have killed us by now.” He lifts up his tunic to show the two deep wounds he received.

    R19T18: Visto, what do you do?

    Father Padrick in the hole, Eric delaying ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Ozlech: 22. SHAKEN til R6T3!!!
    * Ginny (22).
    Apophis: 21. Grabbing Father Padrick!!!
    Eric: 20. DELAYING!!!
    Balston Ungles (Thug): 19.8. (4:9).
    Garsphiel Elstrice (Greenscout): 19.5
    Rodriguez: 19. Waterskin of alcohol in hand, and nothing else. Shield til R32T19.
    Visto: 18.
    Rasper Ellias (thief): 14. (3:12).
    Father Padrick. 12. (8:16 GRABBED by Apophis!!!
    Badeye Rumblefist: 3. AOO used.

    Brandy Nurrus (Thief): 18. (-2:12). STABLE!!!
    Knuckles (thief): 15. (-2:12). STABLE!!
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R19T18: Visto heads in the direction of the shadow, but after 30 feet, he realizes this is just the strange shadowscape of a city at night, unlike the more comforting and known shadows of his homeland. That, and the Blot far up in the sky, above.

    R19T17: Hearing voices (uh-oh!), Eric advances into the corridor to get a grasp of the situation. He passes Rod to stand directly below Apophis, whose tail is holding him in the rafters while he is biting down at an angle at Father Padrick right in front of Eric (now).

    R19T12: "By the Lady's Scimitar, let me go, demon!" feebly struggles the old man, before surprisingly wrenching free.

    Out of Initiative ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Ozlech: 22. SHAKEN til R6T3!!!
    * Ginny (22).
    Apophis: 21. Grabbing Father Padrick!!!
    Balston Ungles (Thug): 19.8. (4:9).
    Garsphiel Elstrice (Greenscout): 19.5
    Rodriguez: 19. Waterskin of alcohol in hand, and nothing else. Shield til R32T19.
    Visto: 18. Two rounds from window.
    Eric: 17.
    Father Padrick. 12. (8:16)
    Badeye Rumblefist: 3.

    Brandy Nurrus (Thief): 18. (3:12).
    Rasper Ellias (thief): 14. (3:12).
    Knuckles (thief): 15. (3:12).
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2021-04-11 at 12:52 AM.
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
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    Rodriguez will gesture to let Eric through first. Erik opens the door and steps inside, his weapon in hand just in case. Rodriguez takes a deep breath and moves in after Eric. Apophis falls in line behind his master.

    Two men quickly close, one from each side where they were hidden by alcoves. Red moved out a distance, but Blue simply stepped out and shouts, "Who the hell are you?! Get outta here!" It is sudden and jarring to Eric.

    Begin Round One ...

    Kwava unslings his bow and takes a careful look around. Not seeing anything, he relaxes his grip a little on his bow and looks to Sol. "You should go in. Your friends aren't known."

    R1T23: Sol moves into the Gold Goblin, just ducking a reflexive punch from Red. "Hey, guys! Wait, stop. Sol here. These are my friends. What the heck is going on here? Where is Saul?"

    R1T19: Eric, okay, this bouncer is actually scared you some. But you see that's what they are. They have short swords still in scabbards, and the one that swung at Sol seemed to do so out of reflex as quickly as Sol was zipping by. What do you do?

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Kwava: 28.
    Brown Thief: 27. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Purple Thief: 26. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Red Thief: 25. (12:12). Outside. DELAYING!!!
    Old Scratch: 24. (30:30).
    Sol: 23.
    Blue Thief: 22. (12:12). Area #27.
    Pink Thief: 22. (12:12). Back porch.
    Eric: 19. SHAKEN til R3T7 (-2 saves, skill checks, ability checks, -2 attack rolls).
    Rodriguez: 18.
    Hans: 17. (9:9).
    Ozlech: 15.
    Apophis: 14.
    Huginn: 13.
    Green Thief: 12. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Ganmeed: 11.
    Saul Vancaskerkin: 10.
    Red Thug: 9. (9:9).
    Green Thug: 8. (9:9).
    Blue Thug: 7. (9:9).
    Brown Thug: 6.(9:9).
    Visto: 5.
    Beyar: 4. (9:9).
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R1T19: Eric takes his stance, but doesn't attack for now, getting ready.

    R1T18: Rodriguez, what do you do?

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Kwava: 28.
    Brown Thief: 27. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Purple Thief: 26. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Red Thief: 25. (12:12). Outside. DELAYING!!!
    Old Scratch: 24. (30:30).
    Sol: 23.
    Blue Thief: 22. (12:12). Area #27.
    Pink Thief: 22. (12:12). Back porch.
    Eric: 19. SHAKEN til R3T7 (-2 saves, skill checks, ability checks, -2 attack rolls). READIED attack (q.v.).
    * Inner Sphere Stance (+2 dodge bonus AC, +2 Will saves).
    Rodriguez: 18.
    Hans: 17. (9:9).
    Ozlech: 15.
    Apophis: 14.
    Huginn: 13.
    Green Thief: 12. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Ganmeed: 11.
    Saul Vancaskerkin: 10.
    Red Thug: 9. (9:9).
    Green Thug: 8. (9:9).
    Blue Thug: 7. (9:9).
    Brown Thug: 6.(9:9).
    Visto: 5.
    Beyar: 4. (9:9).
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R1T18: Casting a defensive spell on his eidolon, Rodriguez moves up next to Eric (and a bouncer punches at him) and motion for Apophis to follow. He whispers to his eidolon.”Don’t strike unless they attack first buddy. Try to get up high to pounce if you need to.” He keeps his weapon ready.

    R1T15: Ozlech, what do you do? What do direct Ginny to do?

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Kwava: 28.
    Brown Thief: 27. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Purple Thief: 26. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Red Thief: 25. (12:12). Outside. DELAYING!!!
    Old Scratch: 24. (30:30).
    Sol: 23.
    Blue Thief: 22. (12:12). Area #27.
    Pink Thief: 22. (12:12). Back porch.
    Eric: 19. SHAKEN til R3T7 (-2 saves, skill checks, ability checks, -2 attack rolls). READIED attack (q.v.).
    * Inner Sphere Stance (+2 dodge bonus AC, +2 Will saves).
    Rodriguez: 18.
    Hans: 17. (9:9).
    Ozlech: 15.
    Apophis: 14. Shield til R31T18.
    Huginn: 13.
    Green Thief: 12. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Ganmeed: 11.
    Saul Vancaskerkin: 10.
    Red Thug: 9. (9:9).
    Green Thug: 8. (9:9).
    Blue Thug: 7. (9:9).
    Brown Thug: 6.(9:9).
    Visto: 5.
    Beyar: 4. (9:9).
    Last edited by lostsole31; 2021-06-18 at 02:10 PM.
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R1T15: Ozzy will wave Visto over in case the raised voices inside turn to sounds of combat. He will also enter his combat stance and stick close to Kwava, directing Ginny to, ”Stay close.”

    R1T14: Apophis enters, blocking a bouncer from being able to get to his master.

    R1T12: An arrow shoots down from the catwalks above to hit Sol in his hip for 7. He lets out a cry of pain.

    R1T9-6: Red sidesteps Rodriguez to attack the wounded man (Sol) with a short sword he draws, only to have his weapon pushed by a deflection field. Another bouncer (Green) comes double-moving in from the north, having come from the area of the northern bar, short sword drawn.. Blue sidesteps Apophis to flank with Sol, drawing his short sword, but the strange shadows of the day coming in through shuttered light confuses him. Yet another bouncer (Brown) comes from the are of the swinging door, short sword drawn.

    R1T5: Visto, angry shouts of battle inside. What do you do? I hear the Isle of Kortos is beautiful this time of year.

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Kwava: 28.
    Brown Thief: 27. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Purple Thief: 26. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Red Thief: 25. (12:12). Outside. DELAYING!!!
    Old Scratch: 24. (30:30).
    Sol: 23.
    Blue Thief: 22. (12:12). Area #27.
    Pink Thief: 22. (12:12). Back porch.
    Eric: 19. SHAKEN til R3T7 (-2 saves, skill checks, ability checks, -2 attack rolls). READIED attack (q.v.).
    * Inner Sphere Stance (+2 dodge bonus AC, +2 Will saves).
    Rodriguez: 18.
    Hans: 17. (9:9).
    Ozlech: 15. *Aura of misfortune* stance active.
    Apophis: 14. Shield til R31T18.
    Huginn: 13. DELAYING!!!
    Green Thief: 12. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Ganmeed: 11. DELAYING!!!
    Saul Vancaskerkin: 10.
    Red Thug: 9. (9:9).
    Green Thug: 8. (9:9).
    Blue Thug: 7. (9:9). All enemies have concealment to him til R4T7, but he can make a DC 20 Will save at beginning of each round.
    Brown Thug: 6.(9:9).
    Visto: 5.
    Beyar: 4. (9:9).
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
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    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R1T5: Visto takes a moment to think about a future island vacation. He then heads up towards Ozzy, ready this time to actually help in the fight if need be.

    End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

    He then goes up the stairs and inside, rushing past the group of bodies to get a little bit beyond while pulling out his bow. One thing you all note is that while Kwava is a whopping 6' 7" (and gaunt as hell at 122 lbs.), his legs are quite short for his frame. He has a quite a long torso and arms, and doesn't move as quickly as you think he would, even using his knuckles to push himself along at times. Kwava calls out, "It is clear, Sol, this has gone to violence."

    His hawk Ganmeed then flies in to follow him, gaining some altitude (10').

    R2T26: An arrow flies down from the catwalk, but Eric had seen the movement early enough to sidestep.

    R2T23: "Yup," Sol nods ruefully, gritting through the pain, "we tried the peaceful way, and that is what matters. Having tried, we commit to battle."

    He concentrates carefully, and fire is formed from his upturned palm. He makes a clumsy attack, but in a surprising success he illustrates that these bouncers are not quick-footed. His fiery hand touches Red's stomach and a part of that fire grows and splits off to burn the man for 9 fire. The man screams in pain, having been disabled.

    R2T22: More movement on the catwalks above, as the folks up there aren't trying to move slow and stealthy anymore.

    R2T19: Eric, you are still shaken. Battle is now committed as snipers above are helping bouncers below. What do you do?
    Spoiler: Silphael
    I do apologize, because I ignored your readied action. That said, at least you get a full round worth of actions and no ping-ponging on intiative.

    Rod on deck, Ozzy in the hole, Ginny delaying ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Kwava: 28.
    Ganmeed: 27.5.
    Brown Thief: 27. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Purple Thief: 26. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Red Thief: 25. (12:12). Outside. DELAYING!!!
    Old Scratch: 24. (30:30). Stealth flight.
    Sol: 23. Produce flame til R32T23.
    Blue Thief: 22. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Pink Thief: 21. (12:12). North side of building.
    Eric: 19. SHAKEN til R3T7 (-2 saves, skill checks, ability checks, -2 attack rolls).
    * Inner Sphere Stance (+2 dodge bonus AC, +2 Will saves).
    Rodriguez: 18.
    Hans: 17. (9:9).
    Ozlech: 15. Aura of misfortune stance active.
    Apophis: 14. Shield til R31T18.
    Huginn: 13. DELAYING!!!
    Green Thief: 12. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Saul Vancaskerkin: 10.
    Red Thug: 9. (0:9).
    Green Thug: 8. (9:9).
    Blue Thug: 7. (9:9). All enemies have concealment to him til R4T7, but he can make a DC 20 Will save at beginning of each round.
    Brown Thug: 6.(9:9).
    Visto: 5.
    Beyar: 4. (9:9).
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
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    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

  20. - Top - End - #50
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R2T19: Shaken but not broken, Eric roars, stepping closer to Red, and with a vicious strike cuts open the disabled man's abdomen for 11, dropping him.

    R2T18: Rod, you just saw a man get disemboweled in front of you. Anyway, what do you do?

    Ozlech in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker
    HEROES (til R3T19): +2 morale bonus to attack/ damage rolls.
    Kwava: 28.
    Ganmeed: 27.5.
    Brown Thief: 27. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Purple Thief: 26. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Red Thief: 25. (12:12). Outside. DELAYING!!!
    Old Scratch: 24. (30:30). Stealth flight.
    Sol: 23. Produce flame til R32T23.
    Blue Thief: 22. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Pink Thief: 21. (12:12). North side of building.
    Eric: 19. SHAKEN til R3T7 (-2 saves, skill checks, ability checks, -2 attack rolls).
    * Inner Sphere Stance (+2 dodge bonus AC, +2 Will saves).
    Rodriguez: 18.
    Hans: 17. (9:9).
    Ozlech: 15. Aura of misfortune stance active.
    Apophis: 14. Shield til R31T18.
    Huginn: 13. DELAYING!!!
    Green Thief: 12. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Saul Vancaskerkin: 10.
    Red Thug: 9. (-11:9). DYING!!!
    Green Thug: 8. (9:9).
    Blue Thug: 7. (9:9). All enemies have concealment to him til R4T7, but he can make a DC 20 Will save at beginning of each round.
    Brown Thug: 6.(9:9).
    Visto: 5.
    Beyar: 4. (9:9).
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R2T18: Seeing the vicious display Rodriguez will let out a roar of his own. Breaking into a chanting chorus, he surrounds himself with small wispy spirits, and moves to engage the green bouncer. As he does so, he will shout,”Give em’ hell boys!”

    Even though his raging song and movement has Rod planting his feet to prepare for combat, the ghostly wisps show that of a shrieking, enraged woman with garlands in her hair lashing out at hands with sharpened claws!

    R2T15: Ozlech, you are in a stance which seems to echo the misfortune of whatever spirits have come to Rodriguez's age. Do you accept the raging song for this round? What do you do?

    Apophis on deck, Ginny delaying, Sniper on catwalk in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker
    HEROES (til R3T19): +2 morale bonus to attack/ damage rolls.
    Kwava: 28.
    Ganmeed: 27.5.
    Brown Thief: 27. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Purple Thief: 26. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Red Thief: 25. (12:12). Outside. DELAYING!!!
    Old Scratch: 24. (30:30). Stealth flight.
    Sol: 23. Produce flame til R32T23.
    Blue Thief: 22. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Pink Thief: 21. (12:12). North side of building.
    Eric: 19. SHAKEN til R3T7 (-2 saves, skill checks, ability checks, -2 attack rolls).
    * Inner Sphere Stance (+2 dodge bonus AC, +2 Will saves).
    Rodriguez: 18. RAGING SONG (+2 morale to STR, CON; +1 will saves, -1 AC).
    >>> Lesser Spirit Totem (Su): The enraged is surrounded by spirit wisps that harass foes, making one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to them.
    * The attack roll modifier is either their own or Rodriguez' full BAB (+2), modified by either their own or Rodriguez' CHA (+5), whichever of each is higher (+7 min).
    * The slam deals 1d4+5 [CHA] negative energy. If the enraged has a higher CHA, use that as a damage modifier, instead.
    Hans: 17. (9:9).
    Ozlech: 15. Aura of misfortune stance active.
    Apophis: 14. Shield til R31T18.
    Huginn: 13. DELAYING!!!
    Green Thief: 12. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Saul Vancaskerkin: 10.
    Red Thug: 9. (-11:9). DYING!!!
    Green Thug: 8. (9:9).
    Blue Thug: 7. (9:9). All enemies have concealment to him til R4T7, but he can make a DC 20 Will save at beginning of each round.
    Brown Thug: 6.(9:9).
    Visto: 5.
    Beyar: 4. (9:9).
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R2T15: Moving just east of Apophis, Ozlech scans the scene. Choosing his targets, Ozlech shouts, "Ginny! Attack my targets!"

    Ozzy prepares to shift his essence, but then realizes that veils is as full as it can be. No matter, he unleashes his strongest attack, his riven darts, into two of the bouncers. Two of the darts fire at Blue, hitting him in the groin for 8 force and the chest for another 8 force, dropping him. And a third dart hits Brown in the right foot for 7 force.

    R2T14.5: Ginny flies in at the same time and beaks Brown in the left shoulder at the lung for 5, dropping him.

    R2T14: Apophis takes the raging song! He then wriggles up a support column to the catwalk supports above, and from those supports, he gets to a catwalk to engage a sniper.

    R2T12: That sniper takes out a rapier, holding his bow in off hand, though the blade slides off of scales on the attack. He then steps back.

    R2T5: Visto, do you take the raging song this round? What do you do?

    Kwava on deck, Ganmeed in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker
    HEROES (til R3T19): +2 morale bonus to attack/ damage rolls.
    Kwava: 28.
    Ganmeed: 27.5.
    Brown Thief: 27. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Purple Thief: 26. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Red Thief: 25. (12:12). Outside. DELAYING!!!
    Old Scratch: 24. (30:30). Stealth flight.
    Sol: 23. Produce flame til R32T23.
    Blue Thief: 22. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Pink Thief: 21. (12:12). North side of building.
    Eric: 19. SHAKEN til R3T7 (-2 saves, skill checks, ability checks, -2 attack rolls).
    * Inner Sphere Stance (+2 dodge bonus AC, +2 Will saves).
    Rodriguez: 18. RAGING SONG (+2 morale to STR, CON; +1 will saves, -1 AC).
    >>> Lesser Spirit Totem (Su): The enraged is surrounded by spirit wisps that harass foes, making one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to them.
    * The attack roll modifier is either their own or Rodriguez' full BAB (+2), modified by either their own or Rodriguez' CHA (+5), whichever of each is higher (+7 min).
    * The slam deals 1d4+5 [CHA] negative energy. If the enraged has a higher CHA, use that as a damage modifier, instead.
    Hans: 17. (9:9).
    Ozlech: 15. Aura of misfortune stance active.
    Huginn: 14.9.
    Apophis: 14. Shield til R31T18. Accepting Raging Song!
    Green Thief: 12. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Saul Vancaskerkin: 10.
    Green Thug: 8. (9:9). Rapier and bow in hand.
    Visto: 5.
    Beyar: 4. (9:9).

    Blue Thug: 7. (-7:9). STABLE!!!
    Brown Thug: 6. (-3:9). STABLE!!!

    Thug (1).
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R2T5: Visto does not allow the magic of the song to fill him, but hurries himself toward the building, already regretting how far back he chose to stand.

    End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

    Kwava ignores the song and repositions, shooting up at the catwalk. He directs his hawk, which then flies up to the catwalk and attacks someone there.

    R3T27-24: Combat in catwalks.

    R3T23: Sol closes on Bouncer-Green to graze the man's neck for 4 fire.

    R3T22-21: Combat in catwalks.

    R3T19:Eric, it is a testament to the fallen bouncer's warrior spirit that you still carry fear with you. Do you accept the raging song? What do you do?

    Rod on deck, Ozzy in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker
    HEROES (til R3T19): +2 morale bonus to attack/ damage rolls.
    Kwava: 28.
    Ganmeed: 27.5.
    Brown Thief: 27. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Purple Thief: 26. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Red Thief: 25. (12:12). Outside. DELAYING!!!
    Old Scratch: 24. (30:30). Stealth flight.
    Sol: 23. Produce flame til R32T23.
    Blue Thief: 22. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Pink Thief: 21. (12:12). North side of building.
    Eric: 19. SHAKEN til R3T7 (-2 saves, skill checks, ability checks, -2 attack rolls).
    * Inner Sphere Stance (+2 dodge bonus AC, +2 Will saves).
    Rodriguez: 18. RAGING SONG (+2 morale to STR, CON; +1 will saves, -1 AC).
    >>> Lesser Spirit Totem (Su): The enraged is surrounded by spirit wisps that harass foes, making one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to them.
    * The attack roll modifier is either their own or Rodriguez' full BAB (+2), modified by either their own or Rodriguez' CHA (+5), whichever of each is higher (+7 min).
    * The slam deals 1d4+5 [CHA] negative energy. If the enraged has a higher CHA, use that as a damage modifier, instead.
    Hans: 17. (9:9).
    Ozlech: 15. Aura of misfortune stance active.
    Huginn: 14.9.
    Apophis: 14. Shield til R31T18. Accepting Raging Song!
    Green Thief: 12. (12:12). Catwalk. Rapier and bow in hand.
    Saul Vancaskerkin: 10.
    Green Thug: 8. (6:9).
    Visto: 5.
    Beyar: 4. (9:9).

    Blue Thug: 7. (-7:9). STABLE!!!
    Brown Thug: 6. (-3:9). STABLE!!!

    Thug (1).
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
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  24. - Top - End - #54
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R3T19:Refusing the rage, Eric gathers his resentment toward the last remaining bouncer, steps closer, and attempts to strike as his weapon briefly turns ghostly and just misses the man, Eric's fear still affecting him.

    R3T18: Rod, all enemies on this level are down, and there is a fight with Apophis and Ganmeed in the catwalks, for whatever that's worth. Do you keep up the raging song?

    Ozzy on deck, Ginny in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Kwava: 28.
    Ganmeed: 27.5.
    Brown Thief: 27. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Purple Thief: 26. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Red Thief: 25. (12:12). Outside. DELAYING!!!
    Old Scratch: 24. (30:30). Stealth flight.
    Sol: 23. Produce flame til R32T23.
    Blue Thief: 22. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Pink Thief: 21. (12:12). North side of building.
    Eric: 19. SHAKEN til R3T7 (-2 saves, skill checks, ability checks, -2 attack rolls).
    * Inner Sphere Stance (+2 dodge bonus AC, +2 Will saves).
    Rodriguez: 18. RAGING SONG (+2 morale to STR, CON; +1 will saves, -1 AC).
    >>> Lesser Spirit Totem (Su): The enraged is surrounded by spirit wisps that harass foes, making one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to them.
    * The attack roll modifier is either their own or Rodriguez' full BAB (+2), modified by either their own or Rodriguez' CHA (+5), whichever of each is higher (+7 min).
    * The slam deals 1d4+5 [CHA] negative energy. If the enraged has a higher CHA, use that as a damage modifier, instead.
    Hans: 17. (9:9).
    Ozlech: 15. Aura of misfortune stance active.
    Huginn: 14.9.
    Apophis: 14. Shield til R31T18. Accepting Raging Song!
    Green Thief: 12. (12:12). Catwalk. Rapier and bow in hand.
    Saul Vancaskerkin: 10.
    Green Thug: 8. (6:9).
    Visto: 5.
    Beyar: 4. (9:9).

    Blue Thug: 7. (-7:9). STABLE!!!
    Brown Thug: 6. (-3:9). STABLE!!!

    Thug (1).
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

  25. - Top - End - #55
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R3T18: Rodriguez' screaming mimi tears into the fallen green bouncer, likely killing him for sure. Rod continues his song as he casts a spell on Eric.”This should help if you need to get up those stairs.”

    R3T15: Ozlech moves to ascend to the catwalk from the nearest point he can see ... but realizes he doesn't see any easy way up to the catwalk. He reallocates Essence to his defense as he goes and messages Ginny telepathically.
    Spoiler: Ozzy >>> Ginny
    Ginny, fly up and support Apophis.
    Of course, that is what she is already doing!

    He spends the remainder of his round looking for a way up from where he is, and doesn't see anything.

    R3T14.9: Ginny, accepting the song, is now totally flitting up in the catwalk area, so hidden from below. She acrobatically darts past two enemies and talons one of them for 9 and flies past.

    R3T14: Apophis, still with the song, slithers forward and bites a now-flanked enemy for 10, and he falls off the catwalk to the ground below, unmoving.

    R3T5: Visto, what do you do?

    Kwava/ Ganmeed on deck and in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Kwava: 28.
    Ganmeed: 27.5.
    Brown Thief: 27. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Purple Thief: 26. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Red Thief: 25. (12:12). Outside. DELAYING!!!
    Old Scratch: 24. (30:30). Stealth flight.
    Sol: 23. Produce flame til R32T23.
    Blue Thief: 22. (12:12). Catwalk.
    Pink Thief: 21. (12:12). North side of building.
    Eric: 19. SHAKEN til R3T7 (-2 saves, skill checks, ability checks, -2 attack rolls). Feather step on Eric for 30 minutes (ignore difficult terrain).
    * Inner Sphere Stance (+2 dodge bonus AC, +2 Will saves).
    Rodriguez: 18. RAGING SONG (+2 morale to STR, CON; +1 will saves, -1 AC).
    >>> Lesser Spirit Totem (Su): The enraged is surrounded by spirit wisps that harass foes, making one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to them.
    * The attack roll modifier is either their own or Rodriguez' full BAB (+2), modified by either their own or Rodriguez' CHA (+5), whichever of each is higher (+7 min).
    * The slam deals 1d4+5 [CHA] negative energy. If the enraged has a higher CHA, use that as a damage modifier, instead.
    Hans: 17. (9:9).
    Ozlech: 15. Aura of misfortune stance active.
    Huginn: 14.9. SONG accepted!
    Apophis: 14. Shield til R31T18. Accepting Raging Song!
    Saul Vancaskerkin: 10.
    Visto: 5.
    Beyar: 4. (9:9).

    Blue Thug: 7. (-7:9). STABLE!!!
    Brown Thug: 6. (-3:9). STABLE!!!

    Thief (1). Thug (2).
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

  26. - Top - End - #56
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R3T5: Visto finally enters the building alongside his allies, and immediately takes off into the air to get a better view of the enemy. Because of the time spent getting into the building, he only makes it 5' off the ground. The catwalks are too cluttered and the action too frenetic or Visto to get a clear look at the battle up there.

    End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

    "Sol!" calls Kwava, "Show us the way up to the catwalks."

    He takes the total defense action this round.

    R4T27.5-26: Ganmeed has to land to peck at a thief (3). That one in turn takes out his stabs Ganmeed for 7. An arrow from another slams into Apophis' scales.

    R4T23: Sol, with fire in his hands, says, "Follow me!" as he darts off to the northwest outside of a door. "Through here and to the right!"

    R4T19: Eric, what do you do? You no longer fear the dead. Do you accept the raging song this round?

    Rod on deck, Ozzy in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Kwava: 28. TD.
    Ganmeed: 27.5.
    Brown Thief: 27. (9:12). Catwalk. Bow and rapier in hand.
    Purple Thief: 26. (12:12). Catwalk. Bow in hand.
    Red Thief: 25. (12:12). Outside. DELAYING!!!
    Old Scratch: 24. (30:30). Stealth flight.
    Sol: 23. Produce flame til R32T23.
    Blue Thief: 22. (12:12). Catwalk. Bow away, rapier in hand.
    Pink Thief: 21. (12:12). North side of building.
    Eric: 19. Feather step on Eric for 30 minutes (ignore difficult terrain).
    * Inner Sphere Stance (+2 dodge bonus AC, +2 Will saves).
    Rodriguez: 18. RAGING SONG (+2 morale to STR, CON; +1 will saves, -1 AC).
    >>> Lesser Spirit Totem (Su): The enraged is surrounded by spirit wisps that harass foes, making one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to them.
    * The attack roll modifier is either their own or Rodriguez' full BAB (+2), modified by either their own or Rodriguez' CHA (+5), whichever of each is higher (+7 min).
    * The slam deals 1d4+5 [CHA] negative energy. If the enraged has a higher CHA, use that as a damage modifier, instead.
    Hans: 17. (9:9).
    Ozlech: 15. Aura of misfortune stance active.
    Huginn: 14.9. SONG accepted!
    Apophis: 14. Shield til R31T18. Accepting Raging Song!
    Saul Vancaskerkin: 10.
    Visto: 5.
    Beyar: 4. (9:9).

    Blue Thug: 7. (-7:9). STABLE!!!
    Brown Thug: 6. (-3:9). STABLE!!!

    Thief (1). Thug (2).
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

  27. - Top - End - #57
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R4T19: Slowed down by his gear, Eric still rushes toward the door Sol is at. "So, we're going to fight our whole way through, then."

    R4T18: Rod, do you keep up the raging song? What do you do?

    Ozzy on deck, Ginny in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Kwava: 28. TD.
    Ganmeed: 27.5.
    Brown Thief: 27. (9:12). Catwalk. Bow and rapier in hand.
    Purple Thief: 26. (12:12). Catwalk. Bow in hand.
    Red Thief: 25. (12:12). Outside. DELAYING!!!
    Old Scratch: 24. (30:30). Stealth flight.
    Sol: 23. Produce flame til R32T23.
    Blue Thief: 22. (12:12). Catwalk. Bow away, rapier in hand.
    Pink Thief: 21. (12:12). North side of building.
    Eric: 19. Feather step on Eric for 30 minutes (ignore difficult terrain).
    * Inner Sphere Stance (+2 dodge bonus AC, +2 Will saves).
    Rodriguez: 18. RAGING SONG (+2 morale to STR, CON; +1 will saves, -1 AC).
    >>> Lesser Spirit Totem (Su): The enraged is surrounded by spirit wisps that harass foes, making one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to them.
    * The attack roll modifier is either their own or Rodriguez' full BAB (+2), modified by either their own or Rodriguez' CHA (+5), whichever of each is higher (+7 min).
    * The slam deals 1d4+5 [CHA] negative energy. If the enraged has a higher CHA, use that as a damage modifier, instead.
    Hans: 17. (9:9).
    Ozlech: 15. Aura of misfortune stance active.
    Huginn: 14.9. SONG accepted!
    Apophis: 14. Shield til R31T18. Accepting Raging Song!
    Saul Vancaskerkin: 10.
    Visto: 5.
    Beyar: 4. (9:9).

    Blue Thug: 7. (-7:9). STABLE!!!
    Brown Thug: 6. (-3:9). STABLE!!!

    Thief (1). Thug (2).
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

  28. - Top - End - #58
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R4T18: Continuing his song, Rodriguez will move up to the door next to Sol and shoves it open, and luckily it moves as he moves as a swinging door. "Let’s get a move on! Saul might be running!"

    Sol, whose name when pronounced is a lot like "Saul," smiles and says, "I'm not running!"

    Meanwhile, Rod, this appears to be the kitchen. 15' north of him, by a doorway, stands a tough-looking guy who notices Rod. He calls out, "We got company!"

    R4T17: Another tough guy is heard coming down stairs and through the door way and with a finger pointed from his pal, steps north to engage Rod. He has a short sword in hand.

    R4T15: Ozzy, do you take the raging song? What do you do?

    Ginny on deck, Apophis in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Kwava: 28. TD.
    Ganmeed: 27.5.
    Brown Thief: 27. (9:12). Catwalk. Bow and rapier in hand.
    Purple Thief: 26. (12:12). Catwalk. Bow in hand.
    Red Thief: 25. (12:12). Outside. DELAYING!!!
    Old Scratch: 24. (30:30). Stealth flight.
    Sol: 23. Produce flame til R32T23.
    Blue Thief: 22. (12:12). Catwalk. Bow away, rapier in hand.
    Pink Thief: 21. (12:12). North side of building.
    Eric: 19. Feather step on Eric for 30 minutes (ignore difficult terrain).
    * Inner Sphere Stance (+2 dodge bonus AC, +2 Will saves).
    Rodriguez: 18. RAGING SONG (+2 morale to STR, CON; +1 will saves, -1 AC).
    >>> Lesser Spirit Totem (Su): The enraged is surrounded by spirit wisps that harass foes, making one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to them.
    * The attack roll modifier is either their own or Rodriguez' full BAB (+2), modified by either their own or Rodriguez' CHA (+5), whichever of each is higher (+7 min).
    * The slam deals 1d4+5 [CHA] negative energy. If the enraged has a higher CHA, use that as a damage modifier, instead.
    Hans: 17. (9:9).
    Ozlech: 15. Aura of misfortune stance active.
    Huginn: 14.9. SONG accepted!
    Apophis: 14. Shield til R31T18. Accepting Raging Song!
    Saul Vancaskerkin: 10.
    Visto: 5.
    Beyar: 4. (9:9).

    Blue Thug: 7. (-7:9). STABLE!!!
    Brown Thug: 6. (-3:9). STABLE!!!

    Thief (1). Thug (2).
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

  29. - Top - End - #59
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R4T15: Seeing no benefit in standing around, Ozlech moves across the gambling hall floor over to where Sol and the others are gathered.

    R4T14.9-14: The combat continues in the catwalks. There is a man's scream as a second figure, wielding a bow in one hand and a rapier falls to the ground from above.

    R4T10: A short, dumpy, balding man (5'5", 215 lbs., black hair, blue eyes) comes out of the same doorway that Rod saw the tough that is now standing in front of him. This man hs has no left hand, but some type of large key as a prosthetic where some might have a hook. He smiles at Rod and Sol behind him and says to the two tough guys. "Cover me." He then disappears through the doorway to the north (the two doorways being adjacent to each other.

    "That was Saul!" cries Sol to Rod.

    R4T5: Visto, what do you do?

    Beyar (tough guy) on deck, Kwava in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Kwava: 28. TD.
    Ganmeed: 27.5.
    Brown Thief: 27. (1:12). Catwalk. Bow and rapier in hand.
    Purple Thief: 26. (12:12). Catwalk. Bow in hand.
    Red Thief: 25. (12:12). Outside. DELAYING!!!
    Old Scratch: 24. (30:30). Stealth flight.
    Sol: 23. Produce flame til R32T23.
    Pink Thief: 21. (12:12). North side of building.
    Eric: 19. Feather step on Eric for 30 minutes (ignore difficult terrain).
    * Inner Sphere Stance (+2 dodge bonus AC, +2 Will saves).
    Rodriguez: 18. RAGING SONG (+2 morale to STR, CON; +1 will saves, -1 AC).
    >>> Lesser Spirit Totem (Su): The enraged is surrounded by spirit wisps that harass foes, making one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to them.
    * The attack roll modifier is either their own or Rodriguez' full BAB (+2), modified by either their own or Rodriguez' CHA (+5), whichever of each is higher (+7 min).
    * The slam deals 1d4+5 [CHA] negative energy. If the enraged has a higher CHA, use that as a damage modifier, instead.
    Hans: 17. (9:9).
    Ozlech: 15. Aura of misfortune stance active.
    Huginn: 14.9. SONG accepted!
    Apophis: 14. Shield til R31T18. Accepting Raging Song!
    Saul Vancaskerkin: 10.
    Visto: 5.
    Beyar: 4. (9:9).

    Blue Thug: 7. (-7:9). STABLE!!!
    Brown Thug: 6. (-3:9). STABLE!!!

    Thief (2). Thug (2).
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

  30. - Top - End - #60
    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Second Darkness & St. Caspieran's Mission GM Battle Book [GMBB]

    R4T5: Visto starts moving upwards towards the catwalks, where his allies cannot reach, in order to try and get a better view up there to help his allies, while they chase after the main target. He has the skill to go straight up, but not the power to do that and still do too much more. He is 25' off the ground, and is only 10' from a pair of folk that are not your own, but that is as far as Visto huffs.

    R4T4: One of the tough guys goes through the doorway that Saul just exited through.

    End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

    Kwava ends his defensive posture and puts his bow away. He then moves to one of the statues and climbs on it and then up some other objects next to the wall. His skill at doing so is uncanny and natural.

    R5T27.5: Above, Visto sees that Ganmeed (Kwava's hawk) is wounded, but sort of penned two thieves at the end of a catwalk. He bites at a man and misses.

    R5T27-24: Brown Thief fakes out Ganmeed with pointwork and stabs the hawk for 9. Purple sets down her rapier and then shoots at the newcomer (Visto), missing.

    R5T23: Sol just ducks down to the other kitchen door and pushes through and comes up aside Rod, taking on the raging song. He swings with his fiery hand, but misses. However, a screaming, ghostly maiden lashes out and hits the thug in the upper left leg for 7 NE (negative energy), a soul-tearing attack that has the man screaming.

    R5T19: Eric, what do you do? Do you accept the song?

    Rod on deck, Hans (man in kitchen) in the hole ...

    Spoiler: Battle Tracker

    Kwava: 28. 15' off ground.
    Ganmeed: 27.5.
    Brown Thief: 27. (1:12). Catwalk. Bow and rapier in hand.
    Purple Thief: 26. (12:12). Catwalk. Bow in hand.
    Red Thief: 25. (12:12). Outside entrance.
    Old Scratch: 24. (30:30).
    Sol: 23. Produce flame til R32T23.
    Pink Thief: 21. (12:12). Outside entrance.
    Eric: 19. Feather step on Eric for 30 minutes (ignore difficult terrain).
    * Inner Sphere Stance (+2 dodge bonus AC, +2 Will saves).
    Rodriguez: 18. RAGING SONG (+2 morale to STR, CON; +1 will saves, -1 AC).
    >>> Lesser Spirit Totem (Su): The enraged is surrounded by spirit wisps that harass foes, making one slam attack each round against a living foe that is adjacent to them.
    * The attack roll modifier is either their own or Rodriguez' full BAB (+2), modified by either their own or Rodriguez' CHA (+5), whichever of each is higher (+7 min).
    * The slam deals 1d4+5 [CHA] negative energy. If the enraged has a higher CHA, use that as a damage modifier, instead.
    Hans: 17. (2:9).
    Ozlech: 15. Aura of misfortune stance active.
    Huginn: 14.9. SONG accepted!
    Apophis: 14. Shield til R31T18. Accepting Raging Song!
    Saul Vancaskerkin: 10.
    Visto: 5.
    Beyar: 4. (9:9). TD.

    Blue Thug: 7. (-7:9). STABLE!!!
    Brown Thug: 6. (-3:9). STABLE!!!

    Thief (2). Thug (2).
    11APR2024: Completed reading Paizo's Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Demons Revisited (2013, Jacobs).
    28JAN2024: Completed reading TPK Games' The Deductionist (2013, Everhart). This source is authorized for playtest.
    Spoiler: Player Status
    ClasyCrow: On hiatus through 11MAY2024.

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