"You'll forgive me then. Most of the radio chatter was indicative of people who weren't terribly experienced with live fire." A smirk. How prideful are they? the operator found herself wonderring. "Come on out. Mythril welcomes you all." A light titter. "Well, I suppose Mr. Carol will have to miss out for now.. we'll reach the Chateau soon enough." The flight plan and destination were transmitted to Rich's mech. "Technically I shouldn't be doing this, but there are times when regs are supposed to be broken. Also, if you're not willing to come with us, we've noticed these locations.." A few spots on the eastern seaboard were highlighted. "Have kinda light defenses.. but your machine can't have infinite ammunition, can it? Oh, don't mean to be pushy.." The radio communication, still open to all, went silent.